Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire
Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire digital download is the perfect addition to any camping trip. Did you know that 81% of all people who go camping, picked hanging around the campfire as their favorite activity? Download and get the conversation going with questions about camping, the outdoors, memories and more! You will learn so many new things about everyone sitting around the campfire. Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire isn’t just for around the campfire. Use it on road trips, for dinner conversation starters, getting to know you activities or waiting at a restaurant!
The 53 page PDF document will be delivered electronically immediately following payment. It is provided as full-size pages (for easy reading on a smartphone or tablet) or smaller cards (9 to a page for economical printing).
Ideas for Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire:
1. Open the full size pages Camp Chat on your phone or tablet. Ask each question to the group.
2. Print the Camp Chat packet full-size pages or small pages. Ask the questions.
3. Have a coloring contest. Each person can pick one question, color it and stand up and answer the question. Vote on the winner for best coloring and best answer!
4. Print the small Camp Chat packet. Cut apart the cards and fold in half. Place in a paper bag. Pass the bag around the campfire. Pull out a question and only that person answers it. For round two, pass the bag around the campfire, pull out a question and that person picks one person to answer it.
5. You don’t have to play around the campfire. These are great conversation starters for dinner time or a long car ride too! Try asking students the questions during camping theme week!
Illustrations created by pingvin_house/
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