January 23 – Fun Fact of the Day for Kids

January 23 Fun Fact of the Day for Kids is about National Handwriting Day! It is celebrated on January 23rd each year. This date was chosen to coincide with John Hancock’s birthday, who is famously known for his large and stylish signature on the United States Declaration of Independence.


National Handwriting Day is a great opportunity for students to engage in activities that emphasize the importance and fun of handwriting. Here are five activities that can help students celebrate this day:

  1. Handwriting Contest: Organize a handwriting contest among the students. Provide them with a famous quote, a poem, or a paragraph from a book, and have them write it in their best handwriting. Reward the most legible, creative, or stylish handwriting to encourage effort and artistry.
  2. Pen Pal Exchange: Encourage students to write a letter to a pen pal, either within the school or in another school. This not only helps improve their handwriting but also fosters communication skills and potentially builds new friendships.
  3. Calligraphy Workshop: Invite a local calligrapher to conduct a workshop for the students, or use online resources to guide them through the basics of calligraphy. This art form can add a creative twist to handwriting and make the process more enjoyable.
  4. Journaling Session: Encourage students to start a journal or diary and write their first entry on National Handwriting Day. Explain the benefits of journaling, such as improving writing skills, fostering creativity, and serving as a self-reflective tool.
  5. Create Handwritten Works of Art: Have students create a piece of art that incorporates their handwriting. They could write a short story, a poem, or their favorite quotes and decorate it with illustrations or borders. This integrates art and handwriting, emphasizing the beauty of written expression. Try this fun Unicorn Paper.

These activities not only celebrate National Handwriting Day but also aim to enhance students’ handwriting skills, foster creativity, and highlight the personal touch that comes with handwritten communication.


Handwriting is not just a medium of communication; it’s a unique expression of individuality and emotion. Here are some intriguing questions to encourage kids to delve deeper into the nuances of handwriting and its relevance in the digital age:

  • How does your handwriting reflect your personality, and do you believe that people can convey their emotions through the way they write?
  • If your handwriting could change color based on your emotions while writing, which color would it most often be and what does that say about you?
  • Imagine each letter of the alphabet had its own character and personality. Which letter would you like to be friends with, and what traits would it have?
  • Consider a world where everyone’s handwriting looked exactly the same. How do you think this uniformity would impact personal connections and the way we interpret each other’s words?
  • If you were to invent a new style of writing that no one else has ever used, what would it look like, and how would you teach others to use it?
  • In an age where we can type everything on computers and smartphones, do you think learning and practicing handwriting is still important? Why or why not?