Four Processes of Pretend Play and Why It is Important

Four Processes of Pretend Play and Why It is Important

Four Processes of Pretend Play and Why It is Important Did you know that children typically progress through age-related ‘stages’ or ‘levels’ of pretend play, based on four processes?  Piaget described three cognitive processes of pretend play and Nicolich proposed the fourth process.  You may ask why you need to know this information?  The reason is that […]

Pretend Play and Executive Function

The Journal of Experimental Psychology published research on 110 children between the ages of 3 and 5 years who were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: fantastical pretend-play intervention, non-imaginative play intervention, or business-as-usual control in order  to determine the relationship between fantasy orientation and executive function.  The results indicated the following regarding pretend […]

Secret Agent Missions – Pretend Play

These pretend play Secret Agent missions encourage children’s literacy skills, creativity, imagination and physical activity all while having FUN!  Download these 3 free missions from the Pretend Play Secret Agent packet.  Get more information on the complete Secret Agent Packet below from Growing Play. DOWNLOAD SECRET SPY MISSIONS. Secret Agent Packet – includes secret agent oaths, club, handshakes, secret codes, […]

Pretend Play Passport

How cute is this pretend play passport?  Start your imaginary travels off by creating this passport.  Just print and set off on your adventure.  This freebie is from the Transportation Pretend Play Packet.  Kids of all ages will love this new download! Download your FREE Pretend Passport. Preview all the pages from the Transportation Pretend […]