Growing Play
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Earth Day Fun for April 22
Here are some simple ideas to celebrate Earth Day: 1. Earth Day Crafts: Create collages out of recycled materials. The children can cut up recycled cardboard or magazines to create a collage. Perhaps think of a theme such as healthy foods or exercise. Maybe write the child’s name in large bubble letters and glue on […]
Pretend Play Box – Doctor Hospital
Pretend Play Box -Doctor Hospital What’s Inside: Inside this box is a home made clipboard (cardboard, contact paper and binder clip), some Pretend Play pages from Doctor and Hospital, box of band aids, ace wrap, gauze, jar of cotton balls, container of Q-tips, fake ice pack (blue fun foam with clear paper shreds inside plastic […]
Addition to Sensory Play
My toddler loves sensory play with beans, rice, oatmeal and more. We added this nice addition to her sensory play – the milk jug with a tube on it. I just rolled a piece of cardstock, taped it closed and then duct taped it to the top of the milk jug. I also cut open […]
Keep Life Simple – Go Hiking
Egg Drop Contest
This has been a tradition for the last several years in our family. It is loads of fun and great for kids of all ages. Object of the Contest: Create the strongest “nest” for your egg so that your egg remains intact after dropping it from different heights. How you Play: 1. Collect recycles: […]
Pretend Play Box – School
Pretend Play Box -School What’s Inside: Inside this box is a home made clipboard (cardboard, contact paper and binder clip), large index cards, pencil box (recycled watercolor container), ruler, protractor, paper clips, set of dice, pointer, stickers, dry erase marker, eraser, name jar (popsicle sticks inside recycled Parmesan cheese container), pom pom jar (collect one […]
Keep Life Simple – Pick Flowers
I Love Geocaching!
I just love geocaching. If you are not familiar with geocaching you basically go on treasure hunts to look for hidden canisters using a GPS device. We use an app on the iPhone to find our geocaches and log which ones we find. This last find on Friday was one of our best ever – […]
Pretend Play Box – Pet Show
Just got this done today. Not doing too good with my goal of organizing activities but at least I did get another pretend play box completed. Pretend Play Box – Pet Show What’s Inside: Inside this box is two small stuffed animals with jointed arms and legs, scraps of fabric, small brush, two balls, tiny […]
Keep Life Simple – Play Catch