Homemade Dot Painters

I have made homemade dot markers before using cardboard circles and stamp pads.   This time I wanted to try creating some homemade dot painters.  These were super simple and entertained my toddler for quite some time.  Just put some washable paint into a small recycled water bottle.  Cover the top with a scrap of […]

Game of Outdoor Survival

With the kids on vacation this week there was plenty of down time earlier in the week.  They invented this game of outdoor survival.  It was a huge hit with them and even a bigger hit for Mom and you will quickly see why when you read the objective of the game.  They played it […]

Cardboard Arcade

If you have not seen this yet, you need to take 10 minutes to sit down and watch it. Incredible feel good story about a young boy who has free time on his hands and what he created. Look at what children can do if they have free time. So wonderful.


Tot Time – Water Pouring

Water pouring is absolutely my daughter’s favorite past time right now (19 months).   Like most families with young children, our life is very hectic in the late afternoon between homework and preparing dinner.  Water pouring entertains the little one for at least 20 minutes.  She does make a big mess but sometimes I do […]


Earth Day Fun for April 22

 Here are some simple ideas to celebrate Earth Day: 1. Earth Day Crafts: Create collages out of recycled materials. The children can cut up recycled cardboard or magazines to create a collage. Perhaps think of a theme such as healthy foods or exercise. Maybe write the child’s name in large bubble letters and glue on […]