Let’s Play Animal Hospital

Set up a pretend animal hospital.  Be sure to include an examining table, areas for the animals to rest, cages and crates.  The crates in this picture are containers or a storage cube turned on it’s side.Don’t forget to include all the props for examining the animals.  Here are some suggested props besides a vet […]

Water Bottle Shooter

Here is a real simple project that the kids will love. An adult should cut off the top of a water bottle so that you have just the part where you screw the cap on with a little bit extra. An adult should also cut off the neck of a balloon. Now just duct tape […]

The Hidden Rock Game

The Hidden Rock Game Here is a simple outdoor activity for all ages: Find a small rock.  Using paint or permanent marker draw something on the rock.  Go on a hunt for several items from nature that are large enough to cover the rock.  We gathered pine cones, leaves, sticks and tree bark.  Place them […]

Teaching Bicycle Riding

One of the milestones I love to teach my children is learning to ride a bicycle without training wheels. For some children it comes easier than others. Since I am a mother and a pediatric physical therapist, I have taught many children besides my own to ride a bicycle. If you are currently teaching your […]

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Rock and Roll

Here is a fun activity combining the outdoors, crafting and gaming! Oh yeah and it incorporates a holiday theme – Valentine’s Day. You could change it up by changing what you paint to match any holiday. You can read or watch the video for how to make the game.Head outdoors and gather up 10 smooth, […]

Family Cooking Wars

With fickle weather in upstate New York, our family has come up with some crazy ideas to keep us busy indoors. With five children ranging in age from 11 years to 16 months, you have to get creative to keep everyone interested. One thing that we all love to do is to participate in a […]