Superiffic Gift List for Parents

On to my next gift list…. The parents!!! Kids and spouses listen up, this post is for you. Children get to write specific lists each year during the holiday season of what they would like to receive. What about us parents? Sure some will ask what we may want from the mall, online or a […]


My Top 3 Gift Ideas for Toddlers

I have to admit, I am getting really sick of seeing gift lists all over Pinterest and Facebook.  There are gift lists for every age, every gender, every personality type, etc with links to everything that Amazon sells.  It is starting to get on my nerves.  Don’t get me wrong I occasionally look for a […]


Pool Noodle Sprinkler

Pool Noodle Sprinkler

First all sorry it has been so long since my last post. After having our sixth child things have been a little crazy around here. I’m finally getting into more of a routine so hoping to be able to post more often. When I saw this idea at Teach Preschool at for a pool […]