Growing Play
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Category Hot Potato Campfire Game
Here is a fun game to play around the campfire – Category Hot Potato Game. You will need one marshmallow for your “hot potato”. Download Category Games or the Category game freebie. Cut apart the category cards. How to play: One person is IT and holds the marshmallow. Pass the marshmallow to the person […]
Creative Brain Series Question #3
How have you been doing with the series? These questions make you stop and think right? Here is question #3 – Name as many things as you can that you would change about a pet to make it easier to care for. This post is part of the Creative Brain Series from Growing Play on creativity, imagination, outside the […]
Creative Brain Series Question #2
I figured I would get this Creative Brain Series going fast and furious. Here we go with question #2 – Imagine that you are trapped in the witch’s house in the story of Hansel and Gretel. What would you do or say to escape? This post is part of the Creative Brain Series from Growing Play on […]
Creative Brain Series Question #1
Here is the first post in the Creative Brain Series from Growing Play on creativity, imagination, outside the box thinking, something quick to do while you are waiting or a boredom buster. The series will include one question every couple of days to get children and adults to think on their feet. There is no right […]
Switch It Up Drawing Game
Here is another super simple pencil and paper game to play. You can play with one person or a large group. Everyone grab a pencil and paper. Start by drawing one object with your dominant hand. Now it is time to switch it up and try drawing a different way. Try drawing with: your non-dominant […]
Do You Ever Dream of a Totally Different Life?
Some days I find myself dreaming of us all running away to live somewhere else. It is usually a cabin in the woods. I don’t want to go alone. I want to bring the family with me. It is just that on some days, I get tired of the hecticness that real life brings with […]
Sweet or Sour Game for Car Rides
We call this game Sweet or Sour but I think it goes by other names too. For some reason, the kids love to play this game especially if there is a friend in the car. When a car ride gets long, the kids get tired of waiting and look for easy entertainment. This is certainly […]
How to Play Spud
Spud is definitely on my top 10 list of games to play with a large group of children in an outdoor space or indoor gym. All you need is a soft ball to toss around and one adult or child who is not playing. To start, the person who is not playing, whispers a number […]
Amusement Park Boredom Buster Activity
I am soooooo excited to announce our latest freebie from Boredom Busters Volume #1. If you have school aged kids you know that feeling when boredom sets in. Here is a new activity pack that will absolutely be a boredom buster! To start, check out this freebie from Volume #1 – One Minute Challenge Amusement […]
5 Reasons Why Every Family Should Go Camping
I am starting to get super excited. It is almost time to go camping here in the Northeast. When I was a child, each year we went camping together as a family. Now we have a camping trailer that we use each season from May through October on a beautiful lake. Here are the […]