Growing Play
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Scented Gingerbread Craft
After seeing these Sponge Painted Gingerbread Cookies on Artsy Momma we decided to give them a try today. This was a great activity for my two year old. We had some cut outs all set to go in our craft closet so that made this activity super easy to prep for me. My son really loves to […]
Day 7 Question Challenge
How is it going with your conversation starters and questions? Today, there are four “what” questions. Here we go – What do you prefer, camping or high end hotel? What would you change your name to if you could? What is your favorite color? What new skill would you like to learn? Happy talking!
Santa Pretend Play Packet
Merry Christmas again from Growing Play! Here is a great, FREE, Santa pretend play packet to encourage imagination, creativity and fun in children during the Christmas season. Hang up the posters around the room to create different stations. Use the printables at each station to encourage fine motor skills, physical activity and literacy. Super easy, […]
Where Questions Day 6
We are at day 7 of the getting to know you, inQUIZitive challenge with four where questions. This is harder than it looks to post everyday but I am not doing too bad. I have posted 7 challenges in 9 days. Not too behind. Today’s four questions are “where”… Where do you want to live when […]
Christmas Journal – FREE
Lately, I have been feeling very nostalgic about my family. I am the youngest of seven children and we have six children ourselves. The older my parents, siblings and children get, I find myself frequently reflecting on what an amazing family I have. Growing up we have always had large gatherings on Christmas day and […]
inQUIZitive Challenge Day 5
Uh-oh I missed two days! Wednesday, I ran out of time (kids had half day of school) and Thursday was my birthday and Thanksgiving. Trying to get back on track while everyone is asleep. My husband has a tradition of taking the older kids out shopping for Black Friday. They used to wake up and […]
Happy Thanksgiving from Growing Play
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! Enjoy the day.
inQUIZistive Getting To Know You Questions Day 4
I am sure you are in shock – 4 posts in a row. I might be a setting a record for the Growing Play blog! I’m giving myself a gold star for all this work haha! If you are just joining the challenge, no big deal, just jump on board and start taking a few […]
inQUIZitive Discover Questions Challenge Day 3
How is it going so far? Are you able to take a few minutes each day to discover new or remember favorite moments together? If you are having trouble making the time, try answering the questions when you are in the car together on a short or long road trip. Day three includes 4 questions […]
inQUIZitive Questions Challenge Day 2
I’m on a roll – two posts in a row! Yeah me! Here is day two of the getting to know your family and friends challenge. The four “who” questions for today are: Who is your hero? Who is your favorite movie star? Who is the best teacher you ever had? Who do you wish […]