Growing Play
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Camping Find and Color – The Greatest Vacation Ever
Camping Find and Color – The Greatest Vacation Ever Find is a free printable for your next camping trip. Can you find and color 10 butterflies and 10 stars in this adorable, hand drawn camping picture? This Camping Find and Color is FREE. DOWNLOAD YOUR CAMPING FIND AND COLOR ACTIVITY. This fun, camping themed printable […]
Easter Eggs Scissor Activity
I am always trying to create simple, activities that parents can easily print and have ready to go for their kids. This Easter Eggs Scissor Activity is perfect for printing on colored paper to practice scissor skills and visual perceptual skills. Print the one-page FREE pdf Easter Eggs Scissor Activity (download below) on colored paper […]
Pin the Tail on the Bunny Game – Free Printable
I had quite a few white circle 1″ stickers around the house so I created this Pin the Tail on the Bunny free printable. All you need to do is print the adorable bunny and start playing. Download your FREE bunny at the bottom of the blog post. Hang the picture on a wall. […]
Scrambled Plastic Eggs Game
I don’t know about you, but we have plastic Easter eggs all over our house. For some reason, the collection gets bigger and bigger each year. The Easter bunny brings some, there is always an Easter egg hunt somewhere to add more and I always seem to buy even MORE. With six kids and loads […]
Top 10 Screen Free, Indoor Boredom Busters That Require ZERO Preparation
Screen time in moderation has been an ongoing practice in our house. But there are days that I would LOVE to just turn on the television, toss a tablet in the two year old’s hands and let the teenagers get lost on social media while I take a moment to breath. It is so tempting […]
Find and Circle 5 Differences Outdoor Fun
Find and circle the 5 differences between the two pictures of boys having some outdoor fun! Spot the difference puzzles are fun but some are just way too challenging to younger children. This find the difference puzzle challenge visual scanning, visual discrimination and visual motor skills. Children will be able to complete the puzzle and […]
Visual Discrimination Free Download – Seek and Find
Get your visual discrimination free download from Seek and Find. Look for the hedgehogs that are pictured on the tablet screen. Match up the cards or color in the matching hedgehog according to the key. This activity encourages visual discrimination, visual closure and visual motor skills. Kids will love the tablet theme! Just print and […]
Free Easy Mazes to Print and Complete
Here are 2 free easy mazes to print and complete from the Big Book of Easy Mazes digital download. These mazes help children develop their fine motor skills, visual motor skills and problem solving skills. It is a perfect, no prep activity for when children need some entertainment when you unplug, when waiting or during […]
Easter Challenges for Family Fun Games
We have quite a few Easter traditions in our house. We wake up early and the children search for their Easter baskets that the Easter bunny filled and hid the night before. Then we head outdoors to pick lollipops that have grown from jelly beans that were planted the night before. After a nice appetizer […]
Amusement Park Find and Color
Keep the kids busy with this Amusement Park Find and Color activity. The object of the activity is to find the objects and color them the correct color. Quick, no prep and FREE! This is from the Find and Color instant download. DOWNLOAD AMUSEMENT PARK FIND AND COLOR Get the complete Find and Color Packet – This […]