Growing Play
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Outdoor Imagination Games
Finally, the weather appears to be getting a little nicer. Summer time is a great time to encourage your children to spend more time outdoors. Of course, you can do the obvious, bike rides, swimming, gardening, hiking, camping, mud pies and puddles. Here are five outdoor imagination games that may spark some interest with children. […]
Pirate Maze – Ahoy Mermaid Visual Motor Challenge
This pirate maze – ahoy mermaid is a fun, visual motor challenge for the pirate loving child on rainy days, as a boredom buster, indoor quiet time, unplugged time, early finishers in the classroom and pirate birthday parties. Not only are mazes fun, they also help children to develop fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills and […]
How to Reset to a Slower Pace
We are at camp and I just came back from walking the dog with my three year old in the rain. The three year old was holding an umbrella and attempting to walk the dog. As you can imagine it was a sloooooow process. Not only was holding the umbrella and the leash tricky, stopping […]
Pirate Numbers Game – Birthday Party Game, Indoor Fun or Anytime
I love to play different variations of the number game. This Pirate Numbers Game is basically keno for kids. It is great for a HUGE crowd with minimal preparation and you are set to go. You can download your free Pirate Numbers Game at the bottom of the post. Play this game at a pirate […]
Pirate Connect the Dots – Free Printable from Growing Play
Here is a fun pirate connect the dots printable (download at bottom of post). Connect the dot puzzles encourage visual motor skills, numeracy skills, eye hand coordination skills and visual closure skills. This pirate connect the dots printable is perfect for the pirate loving child on rainy days, as a boredom buster, indoor quiet time, […]
How Many – Find and Count Pirate Puzzle
How Many… Find and Count Pirate Puzzle – Here is another FREE pirate themed printable (download at the bottom of the post). In this find and count pirate puzzle, you have to use your visual discrimination and counting skills to determine how many of each of the following objects are in the picture: skull/ crossbones, […]
Can You Spy the Pirate Matching Puzzle
Can You Spy the Pirate Matching Puzzle – This free pirate matching puzzle is a visual perceptual challenge. Do you have good attention to detail skills? Then this pirate matching puzzle is for you. How quickly can you figure out which pirates match exactly. You can download the pirate matching puzzle and the solution at […]
Pirate Crossword Puzzle – Great for Pirate Birthday Parties
Pirate Crossword Puzzle I am moving on to a new theme and decided on pirates. Mostly because I have done so many girl friendly ones ie unicorns, trolls and Beauty and the Beast so I figured it was time to throw the boys some activities. I am starting off with this pirate crossword puzzle. This […]
5 Reasons Why Kids From Large Families Play Outdoors More
After telling (or more like yelling) the kids to go outside the other afternoon, I began thinking about the size of your family and time spent outdoors. Now this is just my hypothesis and I have ZERO research to base this on except for everyday living as a mother of 6 children and from growing […]
Fireworks Patriotic Maze – July 4th, Memorial Day, Flag Day
Fireworks Patriotic Maze: You need to follow the path to determine which firecrackers will set off the fireworks. Use your finger or a pencil to move along each path to discover who will set off the fireworks on July 4th or any patriotic holiday. You can download your free patriotic maze below. This activity is […]