
Number Puzzle Free Printable

Here is a quick but tricky number puzzle free printable for kids. It is perfect for when you need an activity to challenge their brains and provide screen free fun!

Here is a quick but tricky number puzzle free printable for kids. It is perfect for when you need an activity to challenge their brains and provide screen free fun! How to Do the Number Puzzle Step One: Download the puzzle at the bottom of this page. The solution is on page 2 of the […]

Spring Dot to Dot Free Printable

This free printable Spring dot to dot puzzle is perfect for this time of year. It includes numbers and letters! From Growing Play.

Spring time is officially here. We are seeing so many birds in our yard, the trees are budding, and the grass is getting greener. This free printable Spring dot to dot puzzle is perfect for this time of year. It includes numbers and letters! You can download it at the end of the post. Benefits […]

National Puppy Day Puzzle

Did you know that March 23rd is National Puppy Day? Here is a fun way to celebrate this day with a free look and find puzzle you can download at the bottom of the post.

Did you know that March 23rd is National Puppy Day? Here is a fun way to celebrate this day with a free look and find puzzle you can download at the bottom of the post. How to Celebrate National Puppy Day Here are three ideas to celebrate National Puppy Day on March 23rd or heck […]

Cheap and Easy Hobbies for Kids

These cheap and easy hobbies for kids help to encourage children to take interest in different hobbies. Having a hobby at any age strengthens creativity and can often provide a sense of accomplishment.

Encouraging children to take interest in different hobbies is super important in today’s technology driven, fast paced world. Having a hobby at any age strengthens creativity and can often provide a sense of accomplishment. Here are several ideas for cheap and easy hobbies for kids. Hobbies are Healthy First off, it is important to realize […]

Growth Mindset for Kids

Are you wondering how to encourage a growth mindset in kids? In order to understand how to take on the practice of teaching a growth mindset to children, first, take a look at the difference between the two mindsets; a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

Are you wondering how to encourage a growth mindset in kids? In order to understand how to take on the practice of teaching a growth mindset to children, first, take a look at the difference between the two mindsets; a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A Fixed Mindset in Children A fixed mindset, especially […]


Pirate Trivia Puzzle

This pirate word search and pirate trivia is a FREE one page puzzle for your entertainment. Combine learning and fun with this free puzzle.

Here we go again! This pirate trivia and word search PDF is a FREE one page puzzle for your entertainment. You can download the trivia word search puzzle at the bottom of this post. How to Complete the Pirate Trivia Puzzle The twist with this puzzle is that there is not a word bank. You […]


Play and Child Development Go Hand in Hand

Play and Child Development

Do you know that encouraging play facilitates a child’s development? In fact, it is one of the best ways to promote healthy child development. Child’s Play Is Essential to Healthy Development We’ve all heard the term, “Oh, that’s child’s play.” It implies something is easy, frivolous and unimportant in the overall scheme of things. But […]