Pretend Play – Apothecary

The other night the kids had loads of fun creating “remedies”.  Not sure why they came up with this word but they concocted many recipes just using water, milk and spices.  It was Dad’s job to taste test!  He says he can still taste one that had too much cinnamon.  They did this for an […]


Jug Catchers

Recently, I saw this milk jug catcher over at Family Fun and it reminded me that I had made a set of these catchers years ago.   They are so simple.  Just cut off the bottom of a milk container and cover with a bit of duct tape for decoration.  Hold the container by the handle […]

Coins in a Water Jar

Here is a very simple activity that engages children of all ages.  Instead of practicing putting coins or buttons in a bank, try putting them in a clear container with water in it.  It is mesmerizing and pretty to watch them float to the bottom.  Lightweight, colorful buttons were fun to watch.  Fake coins were […]

Let’s Play Animal Hospital

Set up a pretend animal hospital.  Be sure to include an examining table, areas for the animals to rest, cages and crates.  The crates in this picture are containers or a storage cube turned on it’s side.Don’t forget to include all the props for examining the animals.  Here are some suggested props besides a vet […]

Family Cooking Wars

With fickle weather in upstate New York, our family has come up with some crazy ideas to keep us busy indoors. With five children ranging in age from 11 years to 16 months, you have to get creative to keep everyone interested. One thing that we all love to do is to participate in a […]