FREE Spring Coupon Book
Download this FREE Spring Coupon book to encourage children to get moving and making memories. Great addition to an Easter basket. Download it at Posted this over at FunFrugalMommy
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Download this FREE Spring Coupon book to encourage children to get moving and making memories. Great addition to an Easter basket. Download it at Posted this over at FunFrugalMommy
I got the inspiration for this activity from a Twitpic on Twitter. Basically we used a cardboard box opened up with the sides up. A child worked on pulling apart all the plastic easter eggs. We glued them down pressing hard to adhere each one. We added three slots to catch the ball at the […]
I have officially decided I am going to try to organize some pretend play activities. One reason is to clean up our pretend play supplies and keep them together. The other reason is to be able to switch out toys easily. Therefore, my goal is to organize one pretend play box a week using stuff […]
Here is a fun outdoor game to practice math skills. We have played this before using cards and vocabulary words but figured we would change it up and practice math. It works just like a treasure hunt. 1. Head outdoors with sidewalk chalk. Write the first problem i.e. 4+4=. Continue creating problems and write the […]
Make some of these homemade sock blocks for playtime. Great way to use up old or mismatched socks. Find out how at
Here is a simple but effective play idea for toddlers – mini sponge play. Check out for the details.
Here are 10 ideas and games to do with plastic Easter eggs (none of them include candy inside!) 1. Sensory Table Accessories: Separate the plastic eggs. Children can use them to dig in sand, beans or other tactile items. Put them in the water table. Some of the eggs have holes in the bottom and […]
Time for some imagination and pretending to be astronauts heading to outerspace. There is a cardboard box with a paper plate on it and another box with a few colored circles – green for go and red for stop. The kids loved playing in their rocket ship with their special suits on. Once they landed it […]