Entries by Your Therapy Source Inc

Sticky Christmas Tree

Boy, just realized how long it has been since I lasted posted.  So busy here with back to school and sports that I can not seem to keep up with blogging which I sorely miss.  Partially because it forces me to “lesson plan” for some family activities and partially because I just enjoy sharing fun […]

Kid Created Scavenger Hunt

Many things make me proud as a mother, but when my children create their own entertainment I am always genuinely so proud.  It might seem simple to some but in this day and age of immediate entertainment of television, video games and tablets children are at risk of losing the skill of entertaining themselves.  Therefore, I […]

Playing Pretend Pet Store

Since most children would love to purchase many different pets, nothing beats playing pretend pet store.  The children can be pet store owners or shop for all the pretend pets they would like.  It also makes excellent use of all those stuffed animals kids have around the house. This last time the kids played they […]

Wax Leaves and More

This is an activity that I used to do as a child.  Until we tried it ourselves I could not remember why we thought it was so great.  As the project progressed I quickly remembered why… Step 1:  Head outdoors and collect flat, dry leaves.  Oak and maple leaves worked well.  We also collected acorns […]

Making Flavored Ice Cubes

A few weeks ago we made some flavored ice cubes.  My son started out with a few different flavors of Kool Aid and added sugar to make it sweet.  He poured the different flavored Kool Aid into ice cube trays and abracadabra flavored ice.  We added it to seltzer and water to create delicious, pretty […]

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Slime Jack O’Lanterns

Slime jack o’lanterns are a fun project for the Fall.  Using the Borax recipe for slime we made orange slime or flubber.  Basically squeeze 8 ounces of Elmer’s glue into a bowl.  Add orange food coloring.  In a separate jar mix 1/2 cup warm water and 1 tsp. of Borax powder.  Let the child shake […]

Body Awareness Art

Here is a fun, cute project to work on body awareness.  The child should lay down on large paper.  Trace the body, identifying the body parts as you trace around each one.  Now let the child paint the body however they would like.  Once dry an adult can cut it out and hang it on […]

Autumn Displays for Kids

I have been behind on blogging since back to school – very busy here at our house.  Today we enjoyed an outdoor activity with our pool noodle parts and Autumn materials.  We collected mums, leaves and twigs to create Autumn floral displays.  You just need to pinch off the bottom of the flowers or leaves […]


Body Painting

This was a fun outdoor activity we did today – body painting.  First we were painting the bottoms of our feet and making prints.  But then the toddler just wanted to paint other people’s feet or her own.  We had a bucket of water close by so anyone could wash up when done.  The toddler […]

Homemade “Nail Polish” for Toddlers

My little toddler LOVES to get her fingernails polished.  One day we were making some homemade paint and we realized it would work great as pretend nail polish.  It was some corn starch and colored water.  She really enjoyed “painting” my nails.  The corn starch made it dry hard on my fingernails but it washed […]