Entries by Your Therapy Source Inc

5 Unique Pretend Play Ideas

1. Pretend Play Library – if you follow my blog you know that one of my favorite things to do with my children is go to the library.  It is so peaceful and quiet with so many learning opportunities.  Here is a great set of free printables so the children can play library at home. […]

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5 Reasons Why Play is Purposeful

Many times, as adults we may not always remember how necessary play is for children including teenagers.  There is a purpose for play. Here are 5 reasons why children and teens play: To develop social skills and interact with adults and peers. To explore objects – touch, hear, taste, see and learn from objects. To […]

5 Tips to Help Children With Pretend Play

Many children love to play pretend and create elaborate imaginative settings and characters.  Some children may need a little extra help to expand their make believe play skills. Here are 5 simple tips to help your child or student develop pretend play scenarios: Ask questions about what the children are playing?  This will encourage the […]

Let’s Play Make Believe Poster

Ever need to spark some ideas for pretend play?  Print out this poster to hang in your playroom, early childhood center or preschool.  You can download it here. Check out all of our printables for pretend play doctor, hospital, school, animal care, secret agent and candy shop.  

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10 Things Our Youngest Children Get Away With

Funny, how as time goes by, my parenting rules seem to all fall by the wayside.  I am the youngest of seven children and have heard my whole life from my older siblings how my parents let me get away with everything.  Now that I am the mother of six, I completely get it! Here […]

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What Looks Like More Fun?

What do you think looks like more fun?  Choice A or choice B?  Question #2 is what do you think your children will remember when they get older?  Choice A or choice B? I find it sad when I see children all circled around a smartphone or even worse every child just staring at their […]

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Waiting Game – I Spy Memory Lane

This is currently one of our favorite go to games while on a road trip or waiting at a restaurant. Here is how you play: This is a twist on the classic waiting game.  Instead of spying something in the room you will spy something from memory. For example, you will describe an item that […]