Entries by Your Therapy Source Inc

inQUIZitive Challenge Day 5

Uh-oh I missed two days!  Wednesday, I ran out of time (kids had half day of school) and Thursday was my birthday and Thanksgiving. Trying to get back on track while everyone is asleep.  My husband has a tradition of taking the older kids out shopping for Black Friday.  They used to wake up and […]

inQUIZistive Getting To Know You Questions Day 4

I am sure you are in shock – 4 posts in a row.  I might be a setting a record for the Growing Play blog!  I’m giving myself a gold star for all this work haha!  If you are just joining the challenge, no big deal, just jump on board and start taking a few […]

inQUIZitive Discover Questions Challenge Day 3

How is it going so far?  Are you able to take a few minutes each day to discover new or remember favorite moments together?  If you are having trouble making the time, try answering the questions when you are in the car together on a short or long road trip.  Day three includes 4 questions […]

inQUIZitive Questions Challenge Day 2

I’m on a roll – two posts in a row!  Yeah me!  Here is day two of the getting to know your family and friends challenge.  The four “who” questions for today are:  Who is your hero? Who is your favorite movie star? Who is the best teacher you ever had? Who do you wish […]

inQUIZitive Challenge Day 1

I am starting a new series today to try and get back into blogging mode.  I have so many ideas, suggestions and games to share with families just not enough time to write it all down.  So…… I am going to try (stress the word TRY) to post everyday until the end of the year […]

Troll Maze Freebie

Did you see the Trolls movie yet?  Since I grew up in the 80’s, I feel nostalgic towards Trolls and still find them cute.  Here is a free Troll Maze from the Trolls Maze Packet. Download the FREE Trolls Maze Trolls Mazes Packet digital download includes 15 full size mazes (or print them all on […]

Summer Olympic Games Find and Color Activity

I am so excited for the upcoming Summer Olympic games.  As a family, we love to watch the Olympics together especially gymnastics and swimming.  I have to admit though sometimes there can be long breaks between exciting events (like the previous Olympics where curling went on for hours…).  Anyhow, this packet is great to print […]


My Love Hate Relationship with Pinterest

Dear Pinterest, Hello, my name is Margaret Rice and I am addicted to Pinterest.  I admit it – it is my television.  I love scanning and checking out all the activity suggestions.  I have been doing it since Pinterest started.  I have to admit though I am getting a little sick of all the perfect […]