Would You Rather Food Questions

Food can be a great way to start fun conversations, create lively debates, and share a few laughs. Whether you’re trying to pass time during long car rides, participate in classroom brain breaks, or spark a lively discussion at the dinner table, Would You Rather food questions are a perfect brain break to spark critical thinking. From silly to gross, and everything in between, these classic game questions are sure to start some creative thinking and they make an easy icebreaker. Check out this variety of fun questions to challenge food preferences, from breakfast to dessert. Would you rather…


Get ready for some of the wildest food-related questions that will make you question everything you thought you knew about what you would (or wouldn’t) eat. These options are sure to get people laughing, cringing, and debating!

  • Eat ice cream with a side of hot sauce or a donut dipped in ketchup?
  • Eat a whole pizza topped with gummy worms or a cake made entirely of mashed potatoes?
  • Drink a smoothie made from cheeseburgers or a milkshake made from spaghetti and meatballs?
  • Eat a giant chocolate-covered cockroach or a deep-fried frog legs?
  • Eat food that glows in the dark or food that constantly makes a strange squeaking noise when you chew it?
  • Eat sushi that’s been blended into a smoothie or tacos stuffed with a raw egg?
  • Have every meal taste like toothpaste or taste like cardboard but smell amazing?
  • Eat a salad made of gummy bears and chocolate syrup or a sandwich made of cookies and gravy?
  • Drink a soda that fizzes like crazy but tastes like soap or a milkshake that’s always warm and tastes like pickles?
  • Eat food that’s always slimy or food that’s always crunchy, even when it shouldn’t be?


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not add some fun debate to it? Here are some breakfast-themed questions to get everyone talking.

  • Eat waffles every day for the rest of your life or never eat waffles again?
  • Have cereal with water instead of milk or toast with no butter?
  • Eat eggs that are always undercooked or bacon that’s always burnt?
  • Have the same breakfast every day or never have the same breakfast twice?
  • Eat breakfast for dinner every day or never eat breakfast foods again?
  • Eat scrambled eggs with chocolate syrup or oatmeal with mustard?
  • Drink orange juice with every meal or never drink it again?
  • Eat pancakes with mayonnaise or waffles with mustard?
  • Have your breakfast in complete silence or always have loud music playing?
  • Eat breakfast alone or always eat with strangers?


These lunchtime questions are perfect for passing time and sparking conversations during your midday meal.

  • Only eat sandwiches for lunch or only eat salads?
  • Eat pizza for lunch every day or never eat pizza again?
  • Eat lunch with your best friend every day or eat alone with a gourmet meal?
  • Have a cold lunch every day or always eat lunch that’s too hot?
  • Pack your lunch every day or eat cafeteria food forever?
  • Eat soup that’s always too salty or a sandwich that’s always too dry?
  • Eat lunch standing up every day or sit on the floor for every meal?
  • Have an unlimited supply of your favorite lunch food or never eat it again?
  • Only eat fast food for lunch or always bring a homemade meal?
  • Eat lunch once a week but it’s a feast or eat a small lunch every day?


Dinner is a time for family gatherings and great meals, but these questions will turn it into a fun debate!

  • Eat pasta with sauce that’s too sweet or too salty?
  • Only eat at fancy restaurants once a month or have fast food every day?
  • Spend hours preparing a meal that tastes amazing or have a quick meal that’s just okay?
  • Always eat dinner alone or with strangers?
  • Cook dinner for a famous person or have them cook for you?
  • Eat dinner at the same time every day or at random times?
  • Always eat dinner that’s too cold or always too hot?
  • Eat pizza every night or never eat pizza again?
  • Only eat one type of cuisine (e.g., Italian) for the rest of your life or never eat your favorite cuisine again?
  • Have a three-course meal every night or only eat one course forever?


These silly food-related questions are guaranteed to get everyone laughing and thinking in unexpected ways.

  • Eat spaghetti with your hands or soup with a fork?
  • Have all your food taste like candy or like vegetables?
  • Eat a chocolate spread and pickle sandwich or fries dipped in whipped cream?
  • Sing before every meal or dance after every meal?
  • Eat mashed potatoes with ice cream or a hot dog with caramel sauce?
  • Always eat with chopsticks or never use utensils again?
  • Eat tacos with jelly or pancakes with ketchup?
  • Eat pizza with no cheese or burgers with no buns?
  • Have dessert with every meal or never have dessert again?
  • Eat every meal in a food lab or at a fancy restaurant with mystery dishes?


Brace yourself for these gross food choices that will really test your sense of taste and bravery!

  • Eat a raw onion every day or a raw garlic clove with every meal?
  • Drink pickle juice or eat a whole jar of olives?
  • Eat spaghetti topped with whipped cream or a peanut butter and fish sandwich?
  • Eat food that tastes good but smells awful or food that smells amazing but tastes bad?
  • Eat an entire stick of butter or a cup of mayonnaise in one sitting?
  • Drink a glass of hot sauce or a glass of soy sauce?
  • Eat a sandwich that’s always soggy or pizza that’s always dry?
  • Eat raw fish for every meal or eat raw beef very meal?
  • Eat a rotten egg or drink sour milk?
  • Eat a fried spider or a fried, juicy worm?


For fast food lovers, these questions are the perfect way to decide between your favorite on-the-go meals!

  • Eat McDonald’s fries every day or never eat fries again?
  • Have fast food for every meal or never eat fast food again?
  • Eat burgers without buns or tacos without shells?
  • Have fast food for lunch or dinner every day?
  • Have a milkshake with every fast food meal or a salad?
  • Only eat chicken sandwiches or only eat burgers at fast food places?
  • Always have fries with every meal or never eat fries again?
  • Eat fast food once a day for a year or never again for five years?
  • Only eat fast food desserts or never have fast food desserts?
  • Eat at the same fast food restaurant every day or never eat fast food again?


For those with a sweet tooth, these dessert-themed questions will get you thinking about your favorite treats in a whole new way.

  • Eat ice cream every day or cake for every meal?
  • Eat cookies without milk or pie without whipped cream?
  • Eat brownies for breakfast or cookies for dinner?
  • Eat dessert with every meal or never have dessert again?
  • Always eat chocolate-flavored desserts or fruit-flavored desserts?
  • Only eat frozen desserts or only eat warm desserts?
  • Eat dessert first or only eat dessert on special occasions?
  • Eat cake that’s always slightly dry or ice cream that’s always slightly melted?
  • Have a milkshake every day or only on weekends?
  • Never eat chocolate again or never eat cookies again?


If you enjoyed these fun food questions, here are even more to check out!