Would You Rather Questions for Students
When it comes to engaging students in lively discussions, nothing beats a good game of “Would You Rather.” These fun questions are a great way to spark critical thinking and a whole lot of fun in the classroom. Whether you’re looking for a fun activity for a morning meeting, something to liven up a birthday party, or even a great tool for social media, these would you rather questions for students will have kids of all ages laughing, thinking, and sharing. Elementary students, middle school and high school students all enjoy a round of would you rather questions.
You can download a FREE printable PDF of these questions at the bottom of the post.

From silly questions about video games to deeper questions about their favorite celebrity or dream job, you’ll find that these conversation starters can turn any ordinary day into an unforgettable experience. Read these fantastic questions you can use next time you want to bring fun and creativity into your classroom or home! These interesting questions are great conversation starters and getting to know questions.
Would you rather…
- Have all your homework done before you get home or have extra time to hang out with friends after school?
- Eat the same school lunch every day or never eat your favorite lunch at school again?
- Use a magic wand to finish your assignments or use a magic carpet to get around school?
- Wear slightly uncomfortable shoes to school all day or have to wear an itchy sweater?
- Have your classroom be outdoors under a big tree or in a fun, colorful room with murals?
- Eat hot dogs for lunch every day or always have to pack your own lunch?
- Walk to school with your best friend every day or get a ride from a parent in a cool car?
- Go to school in a different country or stay in your current school with all your friends?
- Wear a school uniform every day or get to choose your outfit but it has to follow a strict dress code?
- Spend a day learning from a really cool guest speaker or from the most knowledgeable teacher in your school?
Would you rather…
- Read a mystery novel or a book about a real historical event?
- Read a book where you already know the ending or read a book where you can choose the ending?
- Only read science fiction books or only read adventure books?
- Be able to redesign the cover of your favorite book or rewrite the title?
- Read an autobiography of a famous actor or a biography of a well-known inventor?
- Imagine characters from your books coming to life or imagine yourself as one of the characters?
- Read a book in a cozy library or outside in a peaceful garden?
- Read the same book every year or never get to re-read your favorite book?
- Co-author a book with your best friend or with a well-known author?
Would you rather…
- Do your homework at a cozy desk in your room or at a favorite spot in your school’s library?
- Have a friend help you with your homework or have a tutor guide you through it?
- Use a fun app to complete your homework or do it all by hand?
- Finish your homework quickly but it’s not your best work or take your time and do it perfectly?
- Write your homework with colorful pens or type it up on a computer?
- Do all your homework for the week in one day or spread it out over the week?
- Work on your homework while listening to your favorite music or while having a snack?
- Only do math homework or only do reading homework for a week?
- Always have to do homework on topics you don’t like or always write about topics you love?

Basketball Word Puzzle Packet
Would you rather…
- Play tag with your friends or swing on the playground during recess?
- Join a game of kickball or play four square?
- Spend recess time on the jungle gym or playing hopscotch?
- Play soccer with your classmates or shoot hoops at the basketball court?
- Participate in a game of hide and seek or build a sandcastle in the sandbox?
- Play freeze tag or dodgeball with your classmates?
- Have indoor recess playing board games or doing a fun craft project?
- Build with blocks or work on a puzzle during indoor recess?
- Play a quiet game of chess or an energetic game of musical chairs?
- Have an indoor recess reading in a cozy corner or watching a short educational video with your class?
Would you rather…
- Be an accountant who manages big budgets or a math teacher who inspires students every day?
- Work in a bank counting money or be a cashier at a candy store where you handle lots of change?
- Design video games using math or create amusement park rides with complex calculations?
- Use math to plan a big event like a concert or use it to solve mysteries as a detective?
- Be the person who decides prices for a popular store or the one who keeps track of scores in a sports arena?
- Calculate the cost of building a skyscraper or figure out how to split a pizza bill among friends?
- Use math to balance the budget for a famous singer’s tour or manage the finances for a charity?
- Be the statistician for a sports team or a financial analyst on Wall Street?
- Use math to run your own successful business or help others manage their money as a financial planner?
- Work as an engineer designing roller coasters or as a scientist calculating the speed of rockets?

Abstract Faces Coloring Challenge
Would you rather…
- Have ice cream for dessert every day or get a new surprise dessert each week?
- Only be able to eat peanut butter sandwiches for lunch or have to try a different kind of sandwich every day?
- Drink orange juice with every meal or have water as your only drink option?
- Have your favorite meal prepared by a personal chef or have a special meal prepared by your school’s cafeteria staff?
- Eat a spicy meal with hot sauce every day or have a sweet dessert that’s just a little too sugary?
- Only eat foods that are served cold or only eat foods that are served hot?
- Find out that your favorite cafeteria dish suddenly tastes like rotten eggs or never be able to eat it again?
- Have a cafeteria that serves breakfast for lunch every day or one that serves lunch for breakfast?
- Always have to eat with a fork and spoon or always have to eat with your hands, no utensils allowed?
- Be able to bring your favorite homemade lunch every day or get a special cafeteria meal that changes daily?
Would you rather…
- Spend your summer vacation at the beach or in the mountains?
- Go on a long road trip with your best friends or take a short trip to a city you’ve never visited before?
- Visit an amusement park for one day or go to a new place every day of your vacation?
- Spend your vacation at a ski resort or on a tropical island?
- Have to drink a different kind of juice every day on vacation or eat the same breakfast every morning?
- Spend your vacation learning photography or learning to play a musical instrument?
- Only be able to swim in the ocean or in a pool during your vacation?
- Have to wear flip-flops everywhere during your vacation or go barefoot the entire time?
- Go on a vacation where you try different foods from around the world or one where you meet interesting people from different cultures?
- Spend your whole vacation exploring a big city or relaxing in a quiet countryside?
Would you rather…
- Have a teacher who is also a professional athlete or one who is a published author?
- Have a teacher who tells funny stories during lessons or one who shows interesting videos?
- Have a teacher who can explain difficult topics in simple ways or one who gives you lots of hands-on activities?
- Only have teachers who use creative projects for assignments or teachers who give you lots of group work?
- Have a teacher who is great at art or one who is amazing at science experiments?
- Be taught by a teacher who inspires you to pursue your dreams or one who challenges you to reach your full potential?
- Have a teacher who brings in guest speakers often or one who organizes lots of field trips?
- Have a teacher who uses a lot of technology in the classroom or one who prefers traditional teaching methods?
- Be able to read people’s minds like your teacher’s mind or be the smartest person in the class?
- Only learn about subjects you’re really interested in or have a teacher who makes every subject interesting?
Would you rather…
- Be the goalie on the soccer team who always saves goals or the forward who always scores them?
- Play as the pitcher in a baseball game where you throw the winning strike or the batter who hits the winning run?
- Be the quarterback who throws the winning touchdown pass or the receiver who catches it?
- Compete as the swimmer who wins every race or the diver who always earns perfect scores?
- Be the basketball player who always makes the game-winning shot or the one who leads the team in assists?
- Play as the captain of a team that always works together or the star player who always stands out individually?
- Be the track athlete who always wins the 100-meter dash or the one who excels in long-distance races?
- Be the gymnast who performs a flawless routine on the balance beam or the one who nails a difficult vault?
- Excel at one sport and be the best or be good at multiple sports?
- Have sports practice before school, after school, or both?
Would you rather…
- Be the lead in the school play or get first place on the robotics team?
- Join the debate club and win every argument or join the chess club and win every match?
- Be the president of the student council or the captain of the math team?
- Participate in the art club and have your work displayed in a gallery or join the science club and present at a regional fair?
- Be the top player in the video game club or the best coder in the computer programming club?
- Join the music club and perform a solo at the school concert or join the dance club and choreograph a routine?
- Be a member of the photography club and win a national contest or be in the creative writing club and get published in a magazine?
- Lead the environmental club’s big project or organize the biggest event for the school’s community service club?
- Be part of the yearbook club and design the cover or be in the newspaper club and write the lead article?
- Join the cooking club and prepare a meal for a school event or be in the gardening club and grow vegetables for the school cafeteria?
For more fun questions to keep the lively discussions going, check out these posts:
- Would You Rather Questions
- Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids
- Would You Rather Questions for Teens
- 100 Would You Rather Summer Questions for Kids
- Would You Rather Camping Style
These questions are a great way to engage students at every level and make learning fun. Whether you’re in the classroom, at a dinner table, or on a long road trip, these creative questions are sure to bring out the best in everyone’s imagination and increase your communication skills.