Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather questions are a fun and engaging way to spark conversations and get to know others on a deeper level, making them perfect for families, teachers, and more. These questions present two intriguing options, leading to thought-provoking, creative and often humorous exchanges. Whether you’re looking to break the ice in a classroom, create memorable moments with your family, or add some excitement to a social gathering, “would you rather” questions are the perfect activity. Read below for hundreds of ideas to get you started!


  1. Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
  2. Would you rather eat ice cream or cake for dessert?
  3. Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
  4. Would you rather live in a treehouse or in a castle?
  5. Would you rather go to the beach or go to the mountains?
  6. Would you rather be able to speak every language or play every musical instrument?
  7. Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard?
  8. Would you rather eat only pizza or only pasta for a week?
  9. Would you rather visit the moon or visit the bottom of the ocean?
  10. Would you rather be really good at math or really good at sports?
  11. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?
  12. Would you rather have the power to control the weather or the power to talk to animals?
  13. Would you rather always have to whisper or always have to shout?
  14. Would you rather be super strong or super fast?
  15. Would you rather have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
  16. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly in the sky?
  17. Would you rather have a magical carpet that can fly or a personal robot?
  18. Would you rather have to do homework or do chores?
  19. Would you rather go on a roller coaster or a Ferris wheel?
  20. Would you rather be able to time travel to the past or the future?
  21. Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to eat?
  22. Would you rather live without a TV or without a phone?
  23. Would you rather be able to create a new holiday or a new sport?
  24. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of candy or a never-ending supply of books?
  25. Would you rather always have to sing instead of speaking or dance everywhere you go?


  1. Would you rather be able to turn into any animal or turn into any object?
  2. Would you rather explore a mysterious island or a hidden underground city?
  3. Would you rather have a superpower to control time or to control space?
  4. Would you rather be friends with a superhero or a famous inventor?
  5. Would you rather have a room filled with LEGO sets or with art supplies?
  6. Would you rather visit a theme park every weekend or go on a new adventure every month?
  7. Would you rather have the ability to read minds or to predict the future?
  8. Would you rather live in a house made of candy or in a house made of toys?
  9. Would you rather discover a new planet or invent a new technology?
  10. Would you rather always know the right answer or always have the perfect comeback?
  11. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of your favorite snack or a never-ending supply of your favorite drink?
  12. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere instantly or have a super-fast flying bike?
  13. Would you rather be the star in a blockbuster movie or the author of a best-selling book?
  14. Would you rather find a treasure map or discover a secret passage in your house?
  15. Would you rather have a robot that can do all your homework or one that can clean your room?
  16. Would you rather visit the world of your favorite book or your favorite movie?
  17. Would you rather be able to create any gadget you can imagine or any food you can imagine?
  18. Would you rather have a magical backpack that can hold anything or a magical notebook that can bring drawings to life?
  19. Would you rather spend a day with your favorite character from a book or from a TV show?
  20. Would you rather have a garden that grows any fruit or vegetable you want or a pet that can talk to you?
  21. Would you rather have a talent to play any instrument perfectly or to speak any language fluently?
  22. Would you rather be able to pause time or rewind time?
  23. Would you rather have a secret hideout or a private treehouse?
  24. Would you rather be a master at every video game or be unbeatable at every board game?
  25. Would you rather have a weekend filled with exciting adventures or one filled with relaxing activities?


  1. Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or pancakes for feet?
  2. Would you rather always have to hop everywhere or walk backwards?
  3. Would you rather have a nose that glows like a lightbulb or ears that flap like wings?
  4. Would you rather have to wear a clown suit every day or a superhero costume every day?
  5. Would you rather live in a world where everything is made of chocolate or everything is made of cheese?
  6. Would you rather always have to sing instead of talk or always have to dance instead of walk?
  7. Would you rather have the ability to shoot spaghetti from your fingers or sneeze ice cream?
  8. Would you rather have a magic van that can teleport you anywhere you want and time travel anywhere you want, or a magic ring that when it touches a book you absorb all the knowledge inside?
  9. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon that you can ride to school?
  10. Would you rather have to eat everything with ketchup or with chocolate syrup?
  11. Would you rather have a permanent clown face or a permanent robot voice?
  12. Would you rather live in a house shaped like a shoe or one shaped like a giant cupcake?
  13. Would you rather have a trampoline floor or walls you can climb like Spider-Man?
  14. Would you rather have a unicorn horn or a mermaid tail?
  15. Would you rather be able to turn into a giant or shrink to the size of an ant at will?
  16. Would you rather have a hamster-sized elephant or an elephant-sized hamster?
  17. Would you rather always feel like you are wearing socks filled with jelly or a shirt made of sandpaper?
  18. Would you rather have to sleep in a bathtub or on a trampoline every night?
  19. Would you rather only be able to eat green foods or blue foods for the rest of your life?
  20. Would you rather have feathers instead of hair or scales instead of skin?
  21. Would you rather be a famous inventor of weird gadgets or a famous performer of silly stunts?
  22. Would you rather have the ability to make any food taste like pizza or make any drink taste like chocolate milk?
  23. Would you rather live in a world where it rains marshmallows or snows cotton candy?
  24. Would you rather have a unicycle for legs or pogo sticks for arms?
  25. Would you rather always have to wear shoes on the wrong feet or always wear your clothes inside out?



  1. Would you rather have the ability to remember everything you read or be able to learn any skill instantly?
  2. Would you rather be able to solve any puzzle quickly or be able to create puzzles that no one else can solve?
  3. Would you rather always have a perfect sense of direction or be able to always find the best parking spot?
  4. Would you rather have a photographic memory or be able to forget any embarrassing moment instantly?
  5. Would you rather be able to change the color of anything you touch or be able to make anything you touch glow in the dark?
  6. Would you rather have a remote control that can mute people or one that can fast-forward time?
  7. Would you rather always know when someone is lying or be able to make anyone tell the truth?
  8. Would you rather have the ability to make anyone laugh or be able to make anyone cry with your words?
  9. Would you rather always be able to find lost items or always know when someone needs help?
  10. Would you rather be able to talk your way out of any situation or be able to solve any problem with a single word?
  11. Would you rather be able to create incredible stories instantly or be able to live in any story you read?
  12. Would you rather be able to transform into any animal for a day or be able to transform any object into something else for a day?
  13. Would you rather have the power to make people happy or have the power to calm people down?
  14. Would you rather be able to turn any day into a holiday or create a new holiday that everyone celebrates?
  15. Would you rather be able to create any invention or be able to improve any existing invention?
  16. Would you rather have the ability to always know what time it is or always know the weather forecast?
  17. Would you rather be able to communicate with plants or with inanimate objects?
  18. Would you rather have a super sense of taste or a super sense of smell?
  19. Would you rather be able to control your dreams or be able to enter other people’s dreams?
  20. Would you rather be able to create any flavor of ice cream or create any type of candy?
  21. Would you rather be able to control the speed of time or be able to freeze time for 10 seconds at a time?
  22. Would you rather always know the ending of a story before you start it or be surprised every time?
  23. Would you rather have the ability to make anything you draw come to life or be able to jump into any picture you see?
  24. Would you rather be able to travel to any place in your imagination or be able to bring anything from your imagination to life?
  25. Would you rather have a magical backpack that can hold anything or a pair of shoes that can take you anywhere instantly?


  1. Would you rather swim with sharks or hike through a jungle filled with poisonous snakes?
  2. Would you rather skydive from an airplane or bungee jump off a bridge?
  3. Would you rather walk barefoot over hot coals or swim in ice-cold water?
  4. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island or lost in a dense forest?
  5. Would you rather ride the world’s fastest roller coaster or the world’s tallest water slide?
  6. Would you rather eat a live insect or a spoonful of hot sauce?
  7. Would you rather spend a night in a haunted house or in a pitch-black cave?
  8. Would you rather climb Mount Everest or dive to the deepest part of the ocean?
  9. Would you rather go without your phone for a month or without your favorite food for a year?
  10. Would you rather live without electricity for a week or without running water for a week?
  11. Would you rather sleep in a tent in the middle of a snowstorm or in the desert heat?
  12. Would you rather hold a snake or a tarantula?
  13. Would you rather participate in a survival reality show or a high-stakes quiz show?
  14. Would you rather eat only spicy food or only sour food for a month?
  15. Would you rather have to scream everything you say or whisper everything you say?
  16. Would you rather give up the internet for a month or give up all sweets for a year?
  17. Would you rather be chased by a wild animal or be trapped in a room with a thousand bees?
  18. Would you rather walk a tightrope across a canyon or swim across a river with strong currents?
  19. Would you rather wear wet socks for a year or shoes that are too tight for a year?
  20. Would you rather eat a dish made entirely of garlic or one made entirely of onions?
  21. Would you rather experience one day in extreme heat (over 100°F) or extreme cold (below 0°F)?
  22. Would you rather stay awake for 48 hours straight or sleep for 24 hours straight?
  23. Would you rather ride a bull in a rodeo or surf a huge wave?
  24. Would you rather live in complete darkness for a week or live with bright lights on 24/7 for a week?
  25. Would you rather take a polar plunge (jump into freezing water) or run a marathon without any training?


  1. Would you rather have to eat spaghetti with your hands or soup with a fork for the rest of your life?
  2. Would you rather have to crawl everywhere you go or only be able to walk backwards?
  3. Would you rather have to wear a chicken costume to school/work every day or a scuba diving suit?
  4. Would you rather be able to talk only in rhymes or sing everything you say?
  5. Would you rather have an itch you couldn’t get rid of for the rest of your life, or the hiccups for the rest of your life? 
  6. Would you rather have to sleep on a bed of marshmallows or a bed of jello?
  7. Would you rather have a nose that grows every time you lie or ears that flap every time you laugh?
  8. Would you rather double in size every year, or half in size every year?
  9. Would you rather have a giant hamster or a tiny elephant as a pet?
  10. Would you rather have to eat cereal with water instead of milk or a sandwich with no bread?
  11. Would you rather live in a house with walls made of jelly or floors made of pudding?
  12. Would you rather have hair that changes color based on your mood or skin that changes patterns?
  13. Would you rather be able to understand animal languages or have animals understand human language?
  14. Would you rather be stuck in a room full of balloons or a room full of feathers?
  15. Would you rather have fingers that glow in the dark or toes that beep like a car horn?
  16. Would you rather have a tail like a kangaroo or a trunk like an elephant?
  17. Would you rather use a giant pencil or tiny scissors for all your tasks?
  18. Would you rather only be able to eat food that is blue or food that is green?
  19. Would you rather be able to jump as high as a kangaroo or run as fast as a cheetah?
  20. Would you rather always have to speak in riddles or only be able to answer questions with questions?
  21. Would you rather live in a world where everything is floating or everything is upside down?
  22. Would you rather have to always wear clothes two sizes too big or shoes two sizes too small?
  23. Would you rather always have a song stuck in your head or always have an itch you can’t reach?
  24. Would you rather have to communicate by writing everything down or by charades?
  25. Would you rather have to swim through jello or run through peanut butter?


  1. Would you rather receive $10,000 every year for the rest of your life or $1 million right now?
  2. Would you rather get $50,000 or be able to travel anywhere in the world for free for the next five years?
  3. Would you rather take $25,000 or have a guaranteed job you love for the next 10 years?
  4. Would you rather get $100,000 or never have to pay for food again?
  5. Would you rather win $200,000 or have your best friend win $1 million?
  6. Would you rather take $30,000 or have a personal chef for a year?
  7. Would you rather have $75,000 or free healthcare for the rest of your life?
  8. Would you rather get $150,000 or be able to meet any celebrity you choose?
  9. Would you rather receive $40,000 or have a beautiful home on the beach for a year?
  10. Would you rather have $500,000 or a lifetime supply of your favorite clothing brand?
  11. Would you rather take $60,000 or have a year off work with full pay?
  12. Would you rather get $25,000 or have the ability to fly anywhere for free for the next five years?
  13. Would you rather receive $100,000 or have the power to make your dreams come true for a year?
  14. Would you rather get $200,000 or be fluent in any five languages of your choice?
  15. Would you rather have $50,000 or free tuition to any university?
  16. Would you rather receive $300,000 or have a house cleaning service for life?
  17. Would you rather get $75,000 or have the ability to live in any city of your choice for a year?
  18. Would you rather receive $20,000 or have a personal trainer for a year?
  19. Would you rather have $1 million or be able to live in a luxury hotel for a year for free?
  20. Would you rather get $80,000 or never have to pay for entertainment again (movies, concerts, etc.)?
  21. Would you rather take $150,000 or have your dream car?
  22. Would you rather receive $35,000 or have free groceries for a year?
  23. Would you rather get $250,000 or have a year-long luxury vacation?
  24. Would you rather receive $60,000 or have a personal assistant for a year?
  25. Would you rather have $500,000 or be able to donate $1 million to a charity of your choice?


  1. Would you rather eat tacos or sushi for the rest of your life?
  2. Would you rather have to eat only sweet foods or only salty foods?
  3. Would you rather eat ice cream for every meal or pizza for every meal?
  4. Would you rather never be able to eat chocolate again or never be able to eat cheese again?
  5. Would you rather have to eat vegetables for dessert or eat dessert for every meal?
  6. Would you rather only be able to eat breakfast foods or only be able to eat dinner foods?
  7. Would you rather eat a bowl of cereal with water or a sandwich without bread?
  8. Would you rather eat only spicy food or only bland food for the rest of your life?
  9. Would you rather give up fruits or vegetables for the rest of your life?
  10. Would you rather eat cookies every day or eat cake every day?
  11. Would you rather have to eat a raw onion or a raw potato?
  12. Would you rather only eat foods that are blue or only eat foods that are green?
  13. Would you rather never be able to eat meat again or never be able to eat dairy again?
  14. Would you rather eat only fast food or only home-cooked meals for the rest of your life?
  15. Would you rather eat a whole lemon or a whole lime?
  16. Would you rather have to eat with your hands or eat with chopsticks for the rest of your life?
  17. Would you rather eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
  18. Would you rather eat your favorite meal every day for a month or never eat it again for a year?
  19. Would you rather only be able to eat food that is too hot or food that is too cold?
  20. Would you rather give up sweets or give up salty snacks?
  21. Would you rather eat pasta every day or rice every day?
  22. Would you rather eat a dish that’s too salty or too spicy?
  23. Would you rather only eat sandwiches or only eat soups for a year?
  24. Would you rather eat only soft foods or only crunchy foods?
  25. Would you rather have to eat five servings of vegetables every day or no vegetables at all?


  1. Would you rather have the ability to change the past or see into the future?
  2. Would you rather always know the truth or always be able to lie without being caught?
  3. Would you rather be able to talk to animals, or have fluency in every language?
  4. Would you rather have the power to heal others or the power to bring people back to life?
  5. Would you rather die right now or live forever?
  6. Would you rather find the meaning of life or discover life on another planet?
  7. Would you rather be deeply loved by one person or liked by many people?
  8. Would you rather be able to read minds or control minds?
  9. Would you rather live a short, meaningful life or a long, ordinary life?
  10. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
  11. Would you rather be free from pain or free from fear?
  12. Would you rather have endless wealth or endless wisdom?
  13. Would you rather be able to change one thing about the world or one thing about yourself?
  14. Would you rather have the power to stop time or the power to reverse time?
  15. Would you rather be remembered for something stupid or not be remembered at all?
  16. Would you rather achieve all your dreams or help others achieve theirs?
  17. Would you rather be forgotten after you die or be remembered for something controversial?
  18. Would you rather always tell the truth or never be able to lie?
  19. Would you rather be able to just listen or to just talk?
  20. Would you rather lose all your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
  21. Would you rather be able to forgive or be able to forget?
  22. Would you rather have the power to inspire others or the power to make them laugh?
  23. Would you rather always feel fulfilled or always feel challenged?
  24. Would you rather live in a world without war or a world without poverty?
  25. Would you rather be at peace with yourself but at odds with the world, or at odds with yourself but at peace with the world?


  1. Would you rather live in the castle from “Beauty and the Beast” or in Ariel’s underwater palace?
  2. Would you rather have Aladdin’s magic carpet or Cinderella’s enchanted carriage?
  3. Would you rather have Elsa’s ice powers or Rapunzel’s healing hair?
  4. Would you rather be best friends with Mickey Mouse or Winnie the Pooh?
  5. Would you rather visit the 100 Acre Wood or Neverland?
  6. Would you rather go on an adventure with Moana or with Simba?
  7. Would you rather have a cooking lesson with Remy from “Ratatouille” or a tea party with the Mad Hatter?
  8. Would you rather be able to talk to animals like Snow White or have fairy godparents like Cinderella?
  9. Would you rather be part of the Incredibles family or a student at Monsters University?
  10. Would you rather spend a day with Buzz Lightyear or with Woody?
  11. Would you rather fly with Peter Pan or swim with Ariel?
  12. Would you rather attend a royal ball with Belle or a luau with Lilo and Stitch?
  13. Would you rather have the Genie’s three wishes or Merida’s archery skills?
  14. Would you rather be an honorary member of the Avengers or a guardian of the galaxy?
  15. Would you rather explore the Pride Lands with Simba or the ocean with Dory?
  16. Would you rather have Mary Poppins as your nanny or Jiminy Cricket as your conscience?
  17. Would you rather sail with Jack Sparrow or explore space with Wall-E?
  18. Would you rather be a toy in Andy’s room or a car in Radiator Springs?
  19. Would you rather sing with the muses from “Hercules” or dance with the characters from “Encanto”?
  20. Would you rather solve mysteries with Basil of Baker Street or go on a jungle adventure with Tarzan?
  21. Would you rather have a friend like Olaf or like Baymax?
  22. Would you rather visit the kingdom of Arendelle or the city of Zootopia?
  23. Would you rather have Mike Wazowski’s sense of humor or Sulley’s kind heart?
  24. Would you rather be a student at Auradon Prep from “Descendants” or at the School of Scaring from “Monsters University”?
  25. Would you rather experience the adventures in “Toy Story” or the magic in “Coco”?


  1. Would you rather have no homework for a year or get an extra hour of recess every day?
  2. Would you rather be the teacher’s pet or the class clown?
  3. Would you rather always have to sit in the front row or always in the back row?
  4. Would you rather have a school with no tests or a school with no grades?
  5. Would you rather be the smartest kid in your class or the best athlete in your school?
  6. Would you rather have lunch with your favorite teacher or with your best friend every day?
  7. Would you rather be in a class with your favorite teacher but no friends or with all your friends but a teacher you don’t like?
  8. Would you rather always have to do group projects or always work alone?
  9. Would you rather have every Friday off from school or get an extra month of summer vacation?
  10. Would you rather have a school uniform or be able to wear whatever you want?
  11. Would you rather have a longer school day but a shorter school year, or a shorter school day but a longer school year?
  12. Would you rather have your favorite subject every day or never have your least favorite subject again?
  13. Would you rather be able to design your school’s playground or the school cafeteria menu?
  14. Would you rather have an awesome class pet or a cool class mascot?
  15. Would you rather have a field trip every month or a school dance every month?
  16. Would you rather take art classes every day or music classes every day?
  17. Would you rather have to write a five-page essay or do a group presentation?
  18. Would you rather have lockers or cubbies in your classroom?
  19. Would you rather have a personal tutor for every subject or a fun after-school activity every day?
  20. Would you rather be in charge of the morning announcements or the yearbook?
  21. Would you rather have a school library with every book you could ever want or a school gym with every type of sports equipment?
  22. Would you rather have a surprise party at school for your birthday or get the day off?
  23. Would you rather be in a small school with fewer students or a large school with more activities?
  24. Would you rather have to take a math test or a spelling test every week?
  25. Would you rather have an extra study hall period or an extra art period every day?


  1. Would you rather go on a vacation with your best friend or go to a concert with them?
  2. Would you rather share a locker with your best friend or sit next to them in every class?
  3. Would you rather have a sleepover every weekend or a day out together every weekend?
  4. Would you rather always have to share your favorite snacks with your best friend or never share but never receive either?
  5. Would you rather go to the same college as your best friend or start a business together after high school?
  6. Would you rather always have to dress alike or never be able to coordinate your outfits?
  7. Would you rather tell your best friend a big secret or keep one from them for their own good?
  8. Would you rather have a matching tattoo with your best friend or matching jewelry?
  9. Would you rather always win board games against your best friend or always let them win?
  10. Would you rather be able to read your best friend’s mind or have them be able to read yours?
  11. Would you rather go on a double date with your best friend or go on a group vacation together?
  12. Would you rather always be able to make your best friend laugh or always be able to cheer them up when they’re sad?
  13. Would you rather have a huge fight with your best friend but make up quickly or never argue but always have small disagreements?
  14. Would you rather help your best friend with their biggest fear or have them help you with yours?
  15. Would you rather swap lives with your best friend for a day or swap talents with them for a week?
  16. Would you rather have your best friend be your roommate in college or your neighbor when you’re adults?
  17. Would you rather take the blame for something your best friend did or have them take the blame for something you did?
  18. Would you rather have a best friend who is always early or always late?
  19. Would you rather have a best friend who is always honest or one who always compliments you?
  20. Would you rather only be able to communicate with your best friend via text or only in person?
  21. Would you rather go on a road trip with your best friend or a cruise with them?
  22. Would you rather always share your favorite hobby with your best friend or discover a new hobby together?
  23. Would you rather be able to finish each other’s sentences or always know what the other is thinking?
  24. Would you rather do a talent show act together or make a short film together?
  25. Would you rather have a best friend who is exactly like you or one who is completely different?


  1. Would you rather ride a unicorn or fly on a dragon?
  2. Would you rather have a fairy grant you three wishes or find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?
  3. Would you rather live in a castle in the clouds or an underwater palace?
  4. Would you rather be able to talk to magical creatures or cast spells?
  5. Would you rather have wings like a fairy or breathe fire like a dragon?
  6. Would you rather be friends with a talking tree or a talking animal?
  7. Would you rather have a pet phoenix or a pet griffin?
  8. Would you rather find a hidden treasure map or a secret door to another world?
  9. Would you rather have a magical sword or a wand?
  10. Would you rather be able to turn invisible at will or be able to fly?
  11. Would you rather explore a haunted forest or a magical cave?
  12. Would you rather be able to control the weather or talk to animals?
  13. Would you rather meet a friendly giant or a wise old wizard?
  14. Would you rather live in a world where magic is real or where mythical creatures exist?
  15. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of fairy dust or a cloak of invisibility?
  16. Would you rather be a mermaid/merman or a centaur?
  17. Would you rather have the ability to shape-shift into any animal or any mythical creature?
  18. Would you rather go on an adventure with a brave knight or a clever witch?
  19. Would you rather discover a hidden fairy village or a secret dragon lair?
  20. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere instantly or have super strength?
  21. Would you rather find an enchanted book that tells the future or a magical mirror that shows the past?
  22. Would you rather live in a world with no technology but magic or a world with advanced technology but no magic?
  23. Would you rather be able to communicate with trees or be able to control water?
  24. Would you rather have a magical shield that protects you from harm or a magical ring that grants you wisdom?
  25. Would you rather explore an enchanted forest or a lost city of gold?


  1. Would you rather eat a bug or drink a glass of sour milk?
  2. Would you rather swim in a pool of slime or a pool of mud?
  3. Would you rather have to smell like rotten eggs or spoiled milk for a week?
  4. Would you rather eat moldy bread or drink expired juice?
  5. Would you rather pick up a frog with your bare hands or pick up a slug?
  6. Would you rather eat a spoonful of hot sauce or a spoonful of wasabi?
  7. Would you rather have to clean a public restroom or a garbage dump?
  8. Would you rather have an itchy rash or a constant bad smell around you?
  9. Would you rather eat a raw onion or a raw garlic clove?
  10. Would you rather have a spider crawl on your face or a snake slither across your feet?
  11. Would you rather step in dog poop or get bird poop on your head?
  12. Would you rather drink a smoothie with a mystery ingredient or eat a sandwich with mystery meat?
  13. Would you rather have to use someone else’s toothbrush or wear someone else’s socks?
  14. Would you rather find a hair in your food or a bug in your drink?
  15. Would you rather have to eat food that has fallen on the floor or eat something that smells bad?
  16. Would you rather be covered in sticky syrup or slimy mud?
  17. Would you rather have to walk barefoot over a path of worms or a path of snails?
  18. Would you rather eat a raw egg or a spoonful of butter?
  19. Would you rather have to clean up a spill of rotten milk or a broken egg?
  20. Would you rather have to wear the same pair of socks for a week or the same shirt for a month?
  21. Would you rather have a leaky, runny nose forever or always have bad breath?
  22. Would you rather eat a spoonful of mustard or a spoonful of ketchup mixed with mayo?
  23. Would you rather have to lick a dirty trash can or the bottom of a shoe?
  24. Would you rather have to eat a tablespoon of salt or drink a cup of vinegar?
  25. Would you rather have to chew on a piece of tin foil or bite into a lemon?


  1. Would you rather be able to draw anything perfectly or be able to play any musical instrument flawlessly?
  2. Would you rather have the ability to invent any gadget you can imagine or create any piece of art you envision?
  3. Would you rather live in a house designed by you or drive a car designed by you?
  4. Would you rather have the power to create a new holiday or design a new amusement park?
  5. Would you rather write a best-selling novel or direct an award-winning movie?
  6. Would you rather be a famous chef known for your creative dishes or a famous fashion designer known for your unique style?
  7. Would you rather design a video game or compose a symphony?
  8. Would you rather have the ability to paint like a master or to dance like a professional?
  9. Would you rather be able to turn your dreams into movies or your thoughts into books?
  10. Would you rather be able to create new languages or new types of music?
  11. Would you rather have a talent for creating beautiful gardens or stunning interior designs?
  12. Would you rather invent a new sport or a new type of cuisine?
  13. Would you rather be able to design amazing buildings or amazing technology?
  14. Would you rather have a talent for creating unforgettable parties or inspiring speeches?
  15. Would you rather be able to craft the perfect story or the perfect song?
  16. Would you rather have the power to create any animal or any plant?
  17. Would you rather be able to design your own planet or your own ocean?
  18. Would you rather be known for your creative problem-solving skills or your innovative ideas?
  19. Would you rather create a popular TV show or a popular comic book series?
  20. Would you rather have the ability to create realistic sculptures or realistic digital art?
  21. Would you rather design an incredible playground or an incredible treehouse?
  22. Would you rather have the talent to sew your own clothes or cook your own gourmet meals?
  23. Would you rather create an unforgettable piece of jewelry or a stunning piece of furniture?
  24. Would you rather be able to create beautiful stained glass windows or intricate mosaics?
  25. Would you rather have the ability to create a masterpiece with any material or transform any space into a work of art?


  1. Would you rather burp the sound of a trumpet or fart the sound of a tuba?
  2. Would you rather have to loudly burp every time you lean in for a kiss or fart every time you hug someone?
  3. Would you rather burp confetti or fart glitter?
  4. Would you rather always have to sing when you vomit or always have to dance when you sneeze?
  5. Would you rather fart bubbles or sneeze glitter?
  6. Would you rather have to announce to the room every time you need to fart or every time you need to pee?
  7. Would you rather have to wear a diaper for a week or use a litter box for a week?
  8. Would you rather burp up your favorite food or fart the smell of your least favorite food?
  9. Would you rather always smell like you just burped or always smell like you just farted?
  10. Would you rather have to poop out of your mouth or pee out of your nose?
  11. Would you rather throw up every time you see your least favorite food or fart every time someone says your name?
  12. Would you rather have to burp the alphabet or fart a song of your choice?
  13. Would you rather always have to pee every 30 minutes or always have to poop every hour?
  14. Would you rather fart in a crowded elevator or burp loudly in a quiet library?
  15. Would you rather have to drink a gallon of milk every time you burp or eat a slice of cheese every time you fart?
  16. Would you rather burp soap bubbles or fart rainbows?
  17. Would you rather sneeze cheese or burp chocolate?
  18. Would you rather always have loud, uncontrollable sneezes or loud, uncontrollable burps?
  19. Would you rather throw up on your best friend or have your best friend throw up on you?
  20. Would you rather fart every time you laugh or burp every time you cry?
  21. Would you rather have to poop in the woods every time you need to go or pee in a public restroom with no doors?
  22. Would you rather have to clean up after someone else’s vomit or after someone else’s diarrhea?
  23. Would you rather always feel like you have to sneeze but never can or always feel like you have to fart but never do?
  24. Would you rather burp the smell of rotten eggs or fart the smell of sour milk?
  25. Would you rather have to shout “I need to fart!” before you actually do or have to yell “Incoming!” every time you sneeze?


  1. Would you rather have a family game night every week or a family movie night every week?
  2. Would you rather go camping with your family or stay in a fancy hotel with your family?
  3. Would you rather have a picnic in the park or a barbecue in your backyard with your family?
  4. Would you rather travel to a new country with your family every year or go on a road trip to different states?
  5. Would you rather cook a meal together as a family or bake a dessert together?
  6. Would you rather have a family talent show or a family dance-off?
  7. Would you rather visit a theme park with your family or a national park?
  8. Would you rather have a pet dog that everyone loves or a pet cat that everyone loves?
  9. Would you rather have a family day at the beach or a family day at an amusement park?
  10. Would you rather everyone in your family be able to fly or everyone in your family be invisible?
  11. Would you rather have a family reunion every summer or a family vacation every winter?
  12. Would you rather build a giant snowman together or a giant sandcastle together?
  13. Would you rather have a family karaoke night or a family board game night?
  14. Would you rather spend a day volunteering as a family or spend a day at a funfair?
  15. Would you rather everyone in your family have the ability to teleport or the ability to time travel?
  16. Would you rather have a family photo shoot every month or a family video diary?
  17. Would you rather have a family dinner where everyone has to wear costumes or a family dinner where everyone has to speak in accents?
  18. Would you rather go on a scavenger hunt with your family or an escape room challenge?
  19. Would you rather have a family garden where you grow your own vegetables or a family workshop where you build things together?
  20. Would you rather have a family library filled with everyone’s favorite books or a family music room with everyone’s favorite instruments?
  21. Would you rather everyone in your family be able to speak any language or everyone in your family be able to play any musical instrument?
  22. Would you rather have a family sports tournament or a family arts and crafts day?
  23. Would you rather everyone in your family be excellent cooks or excellent singers?
  24. Would you rather have a family campout in your living room or a family dance party in your backyard?
  25. Would you rather have a family petting zoo day or a family movie marathon day?