Rhinos Facts for Kids

I’m thinking of an animal with a large head and rhino horn. They have large bodies, short legs, and small brains. I’m thinking of a rhinoceros! Rhinos are very distinctive animals known for their front horns. But, did you know there are actually five different species of rhinoceros. From the African rhino species of the Northern White Rhinos to Asian rhinoceros species, including the Javan Rhinoceros, Indian Rhinoceros, and Sumatran Rhinoceroses, we will cover all the rhino facts for kids. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn!
The Appearance of Rhinos
1. Rhinos have thick skin to form a protective padding. This helps to protect them from serious injuries and dangers in the wild.
2. Have you ever seen a rhinoceros foot? Rhinos have three toes! They are sometimes referred to as three-toed ungulates or odd-toed ungulates.
3. Rhinos appear gray or brown. Although, these large animals are actually classified by species as White Rhinoceros and Black Rhinoceroses.
Rhino Facts for Kids – Rhino Horns
4. Rhinos have two large horns on their nose. Rhino horns are typically used to intimidate other rhinos although sometimes they are used to fight. Rhinos fight by locking their horns together.
5. Rhinoceros actually means “nose horn” in Greek. Hence, why the rhinoceros got its name.
6. Many people engage in illegal hunting of rhinos. Rhinos are hunted for their horns. Rhino horns are used in traditional Chinese medicine and in Vietnam, rhinos are actually considered to be a national treasure. How crazy is that?

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Rhinos Diet and Habitat
7. Rhinos are herbivorous animals, meaning they are plant eaters. They mainly eat grass, leaves, and twigs.
8. Rhino populations live in Africa and Asia. Rhinoceros species like the Sumatran Rhinos live in Asia while other species of rhinos, such as the Northern White Rhinoceros, live in Africa. These rhinos are considered African species of rhinos based on where they live.
Rhinos Facts for Kids – Rhino Behaviors
9. Rhinos are social animals and live in groups of 2-5 individuals. A group of rhinos is called a crash.
10. Members of a crash communicate with each other by snorting, grunting, and bellowing. Have you ever heard a rhino sound? What do you think it sounds like?
Rhino Size
11. Rhinos are huge! The average rhino is about the size of a smart car and depending on the species of rhino, they can be between four and six feet tall.
12. Rhinos are the largest land mammal after elephants and hippos. This makes them the third-largest land mammal with an average height of over five feet!
13. Adult male rhinos can weigh anywhere between 1,700 pound and 3,000 pounds. Wow, those are some heavy animals!

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Rhinos Facts for Kids – Rhino Characteristics
14. Rhinos have incredibly poor eyesight, especially at night. Their bad eyesight is counteracted with superb hearing and an excellent sense of smell.
15. Rhinos are fast! They can run up to 40 mph (64 km/h). Could you beat a rhino in a race?
16. Believe it or not, rhinos can swim and they are actually quite good at it too! Rhinos are strong swimmers and they can hold their breath for up to 3 minutes underwater.
Reproduction and Baby Rhinos
17. Rhinos reach sexual maturity at 4-5 years old.
18. Baby rhinos are called calves.
19. At birth, rhinos are blind and typically weigh between 60-120 lbs (27-54 kg).
Rhinos Facts for Kids – The Lifespan of Rhinos
20. Rhinos are one of the oldest animals on Earth, with ancestors dating back over 50 million years!
21. The life expectancy of rhinos in the wild is 20-30 years, while rhinos in captivity can live up to 50 years old.
More Interesting Facts About Rhinos
22. The scientific name for rhino is rhinoceros unicornis, which means “one-horned rhinoceros”.
23. Rhinos are endangered animals and there are fewer than 30,000 rhinos left in the world.
What Can You Do?
To help protect this endangered species, it’s important we take steps to preserve and protect the environments in our own communities. Pick up trash and prevent littering by throwing necessary items away. And, make sure to recycle too! Taking small steps each and every day can help make a big change in the world. Get your friends and family involved to make an even greater impact, and who knows, you might just save a rhinoceros.
Check out these fun facts for kids here and browse all the other topics at the bottom of the post.