8 Fun Bunny Facts for Kids
If you´ve never owned a rabbit, you may wonder why these creatures are so loved. Also, if you consider getting a bunny for your children, they must understand more about these beautiful animals. As you will soon discover, these furry creatures are not only very cuddly but also very playful and curious. There is a great deal more that kids should know about them, as it will give them a better understanding of how to take care of them. Below, we look at a few bunny facts for kids that they will find informative and interesting.

Some Fun Bunny Rabbit Facts For Kids
Bunnies are fascinating animals; they don´t love to play but are more than happy to relax and cuddle up to their best bunny mate.
Below, we take you through some fun and exciting facts about the bunny you are thinking of getting.
1. Have Well Developed Hind Leg Muscles
The first thing you will notice when it comes to domestic rabbits is that their hind legs have well-developed, strong muscles. These are divided into three sections, the leg, thigh, and foot.
Their strong leg muscles help give them the force needed to move away from wild animals that are potential predators, such as foxes.
Also, you will notice if you look at their hind leg feet that these have four webbed toes. This also helps them move.
2. Their Teeth Do Not Stop Growing
A bunny has radicular hypsodont teeth. This means that their teeth will continue to grow throughout their lives.
This may sound like an issue, but as the owner of pet rabbits, you can help to control this. You must feed them hay or grass to prevent your bunny´s teeth from growing too much.
Chewing on hay helps strengthen their facial muscles, allowing them to grind down their teeth and stay at a reasonable length. As for the grass, this contains silica that helps prevent your rabbit’s teeth from becoming too long.

Animal Care Pretend Play Packet
3. They Lose Their Baby Teeth
A baby rabbit will lose its milk teeth early in life, like a human baby. They will most likely lose these when they are a few months old.
But when it comes to their permanent teeth growing through, this happens much faster in any species of rabbit than in a human baby.
4. Never Feed Your Bunny Just Carrots
Often the image we conjure up of owning a bunny is them sitting there chewing on a carrot. It is crucial to note that your bunny will not survive if all you feed him are carrots, as these contain a great deal of sugar.
If all you fed your bunny was carrots, then over time, their teeth will start to decay, and in turn, their health will begin to deteriorate.
If you want your adult rabbit to lead a happy, healthy life, you must feed them various foods, including hay, grass, rabbit pellets, and leafy greens. As for the carrots, you should only give them as a treat.
5. Their Ears Play a Vital Role in Their Lives
A bunny´s ears are one of these creatures’ most notable features. But they are also crucial as they are sensitive to all kinds of sounds, helping a wild rabbit identify when a potential predator is close by.
Even if the predator is some distance away, their ears will help them detect it.
But not all rabbit ears are the same size. Some have ears that are long and narrow, while others have ears that are almost the same size as their body.
A bunny´s ears aren´t only used for listening. In some hot countries, a bunny rabbit’s long ears help them cope with the heat.
6. They Have Superb Vision
As well as having a keen sense of hearing, your bunny also has excellent eyesight. This further helps to provide them with protection against any potential predators in the wild.
Your bunny has almost 360-degree vision, as it has eyes on either side of the head. This then allows them to see any potential danger from any direction.
They do have one area where they can´t see anything. The bridge of their nose is where you can find their blind spot.
Also, wild and domesticated rabbits are both long and short-sighted, meaning they can see things up close, such as food and any potential threat far away.
7. They Eat Their Droppings
This may sound somewhat gross, but your bunny is one of many creatures that will eat their droppings. They do this because it helps them digest the food they eat better, ensuring that they get all the vital nutrients their body needs to survive.
Your bunny produces two types of soft black pellets and hard droppings. They will eat only the soft black pellets soon after they have passed them.
8. They Aren´t Able to Vomit
It will surprise you to know that your bunny, unlike a cat or dog, cannot vomit.
They can’t vomit because they don´t have a gag reflex, which means they don´t know how to do it. They also have a weak diaphragm, so they can´t force food back up.
But they can cough.
These social creatures have played a vital role in our ecosystem for several thousand years. They have also proved faithful as pets and played various roles in folklore tales.
We should remember that many communities worldwide will include rabbit meat in their diets.
In this article, we have looked at eight fun rabbit facts for kids that show that these social animals are much more than cuddly pets. These are very intelligent, complex creatures worth getting to know more about.
Check out these fun facts for kids here and browse all the other topics at the bottom of the post.
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