Spring Facts for Kids

If you live in Upstate New York like me, spring can’t come soon enough! I’m ready for the warm weather and no more snow! Who’s with me? If you want spring to come you better get ready for it with these fun Spring facts for kids.
From the spring equinox to the first spring flowers and all the fun spring facts for kids in between, we will cover it all so sit back and get ready to learn!
The Start of Spring
Have you ever heard of groundhog day? Groundhog day occurs every year on February 2nd. It is a holiday where we can determine the start of spring based on whether or not a groundhog sees his shadow. It is believed if the groundhog sees his shadow, we will have six more weeks of winter, but if he doesn’t see his shadow, we will have an early spring.
In the northern hemisphere, the beginning of spring is marked by the spring equinox or March equinox which occurs in the middle of March (usually March 19th, March 20th, or March 21st). The official first day of Spring is the date of the vernal equinox. Don’t be confused. The spring equinox, March equinox, and vernal equinox are all different terms for the same thing. In fact, vernal means spring.
During the equinox the length of day and night are equal. This means there are equal night hours to hours of daylight.
The spring season in the northern hemisphere usually lasts from late March to late May, while spring lasts from September to November in the southern hemisphere. Areas in the northern hemisphere include the United States and almost all of North America. The southern hemisphere includes all of South America and across to New Zealand.
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Spring Weather
Spring is the time of year when the weather becomes warmer with temperatures climbing up to the 70s and 80s in late spring. Does the warm air get you excited for summer?
Springtime weather can be unpredictable, with everything from snowstorms to heatwaves possible.
Spring Facts for Kids About Flowers
The spring season is often associated with flowers, colorful leaves, and green landscapes. Some of the most well-known springtime flowers include tulips, daffodils, and roses. What’s your favorite spring flower?
Have you ever stopped to smell the flowers outside? Many flowers that bloom in spring have a sweet smell, such as jasmine and honeysuckle.
Spring Facts for Kids About Animals
Many animals give birth to their young during springtime, including deer, ducks, and geese. This is also the time when several animals, such as bears come out of hibernation.
Spring also sees an increase in the number of insects, such as butterflies and bees.
Springtime Celebrations
In many parts of the world, spring is seen as a time for celebrating nature and enjoying the outdoors. Some springtime celebrations include gardening, going on hikes, and playing sports outdoors. What do you do to celebrate spring?
Many springtime festivals take place around the world, such as Sakura Matsuri in Japan and the large carnival spring festival in Brazil.
Earth Day and Arbor Day also take place during springtime to celebrate the world we live in. Earth Day occurs every year on April 22nd and Arbor Day is always the last Friday in April. Going outside or planting a tree is a great way to celebrate spring and the earth on these days.
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day both take place in the spring. Other spring holidays include Passover and Easter. No matter what you celebrate, make sure to have fun!
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More Interesting Facts About Spring
Spring is believed to be named after the spring season in ancient Persia, which began in March.
Spring is one of four different seasons in the calendar year, with summer, autumn (fall), and winter making up the other three. What’s your favorite season?
Spring is Coming!
Do you have Spring fever yet? I know I do! I promise Spring will be here before you know it, so get ready to enjoy that warmer weather. Make sure you go outside or visit one of many local parks to watch the flowers bloom.
Remember, April showers bring May flowers so you have to be patient in order to enjoy the full beauty of spring. It will be worth it, though. Spend lots of time outside and take plenty of pictures. Trust me, you’ll want them once winter rolls around again.
Check out these rain facts for kids and download a FREE printable packet. You can also get an adorable umbrella puzzle and coloring packet here – all free!
Check 100 fun facts for kids here and browse all the other topics at the bottom of the post.