Short Tongue Twister Puzzle for Kids
Tongue twisters are lots of fun to do with kids as a challenge. There are so many and if it is young children it can be hard to remember long phrases. This FREE short tongue twister puzzle for kids is a mental challenge as well as good old fashioned fun! This freebie is from the complete Tongue Twisters for Kids PDF Puzzle Pack.

How to Do the Short Tongue Twister Puzzle
This puzzle is the easiest one from the packet so it is a great way to warm up and figure out how the crack the code puzzles work.
- Sign up for our newsletter to download and print the FREE short tongue twister puzzle PDF page.
- Use the code at the top of the page to solve for the Tongue Twister.
- Have lots of laughs as you try to say the phrase three times fast. Good luck!

Benefits of Code Puzzles
Did you know that solving codes challenge so many skills? These types of puzzles are called cryptograms. Have you heard of them? It is text written in code. When we solve cryptograms we are working on the following skills:
- visual discrimination skills
- visual scanning skills
- visual motor skills
- reading skills
- handwriting
- visual memory
Wow! They are an eye hand coordination work out right! Plus a brain workout. This is all in one puzzle. Add in the tongue twister and now you are also practicing oral motor skills and oral exercises to improve your speech. Wow again! All on one page puzzle! Pretty cool if you ask me.
Want more Tongue Twister Puzzles?
Tongue Twisters for Kids PDF Puzzle Pack includes 12 puzzles to solve to challenge your brain, visual skills, handwriting, and oral motor skills. FIND OUT MORE HERE.
Download your FREE Short Tongue Twister Puzzle Here
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