National Puppy Day Puzzle

Did you know that March 23rd is National Puppy Day? Here is a fun way to celebrate this day with a free look and find puzzle you can download at the bottom of the post.
How to Celebrate National Puppy Day
Here are three ideas to celebrate National Puppy Day on March 23rd or heck celebrate puppies any day of the year.
- Learn about how to care for puppies. Puppies are adorable and cute but they sure are a lot of work. My children are always asking to get a puppy but sometimes when they start to figure out all the work it entails they are no longer interested.
- Make homemade puppy treats for your puppy or a friend’s puppy.
- Bake homemade graham crackers in the shape of a dog bone to eat yourself.
- Play Puppy Bingo – you get to see pictures of cute puppies and play a game.
- Solve the FREE Puppy puzzle below

Puppy Bingo Printable Game – Classroom or Party Set
How to Complete the Puppy Puzzle
You will need to find 12 objects in between all the puppies but first how quickly can you find the one cat?
Here are the 12 objects you need to find:
bowtie, strawberry, popsicle, bone, butterfly, ladybug, ice cream, sausage, cheese, tennis ball, bird and rain cloud.
Download your FREE Puppy Puzzle Here
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