Secret Agent Birthday Party Made Simple

Does your child or someone you know love cracking secret codes or staying in stealth mode all day long? If your child has a birthday coming up or even if you’re looking for a fun way to get your child’s friends together, start thinking about throwing a secret agent birthday party!
It’s great for kids of all ages, so younger siblings (and yes, older siblings too) can join in the fun without being left out. Here are some great activities and ideas that make throwing a spy-themed party easy for parents and fun for kids!
Secret Spy Mission Scavenger Cards
All secrets agents need a mission, and this one can be done all in the comfort of your own home. Use the cards in this packet or make your own to give each child a mission to either find something around the house, like a toy car or something shiny, draw a picture or two, or write down something important, like all the letters in the alphabet! For older kids, they can team up and make it a race against the clock to see who will complete their mission first! Download three sample spy missions for your secret agent birthday party here.
Create your Fake Identity
Every good secret agent needs a code name! Have each kid in the group come up with their own secret agent name, whether it be something as silly as Sally the Super Spy or as commonplace as John Smith. Challenge older kids to see if they can come up with a name that matches their talents. Be sure to put the name on a secret agent badge so they don’t forget!
Learn a Secret Code
All secret agents must be sure to keep their information classified, and what better way to do that than with a secret code? For younger kids, certain shapes or numbers can correspond to different letters of the alphabet, but for older kids, there can be a more complicated twist. Try teaching them morse code or have their make up their own secret code and use it to send encrypted messages to each other!
Wear a Mysterious Disguise
Ask party guests to come dressed to impress, or in this case, dress to be invisible! Tell guests to come dressed with capes, masks, and more so they can complete their tasks in secret! For an added twist, make it a contest to see who can come up with the best disguise!
Are you looking for an activity to entertain your “spy kids”? Look no further! The Case of the Missing Diamond is a FREE printable game that you can print and start playing right away (download at the bottom of the post). Children love to pretend that they are a secret agent or a spy. Combine imagination with physical activity and visual perceptual skills on this detective fingerprint mission.
Jump Start your Secret Agent Birthday Party
For more spy-themed activities, jump start your party with the Secret Agent Pretend Play packet, available to download for just $5! Take a look at the sample page from the Secret Agent Pretend Play activity book at the bottom of the page! It’s FREE to download, but shhhh…it’s a secret!

Secret Agent Packet – includes secret agent oaths, club, handshakes, secret codes, secret missions, handwriting analysis, lie detecting and more! Kids ages 5+ will love this packet to take playing pretend a step further. FIND OUT MORE.