Bunny Game for Kids

Are you looking for a cute, fun bunny game for kids? This FREE one page printable requires no prep and the kids will love it (plus sneak in some handwriting practice)!
How to Play the Bunny Game for Kids
Bunny Hangman is quite simple to play. Print the freebie below.
Player one has to think of a word. Cross out any boxes that you do not need.
Player two has to guess the word before player one draws the bunny.
If a player two picks a letter that is not in the word, draw a section of the bunny.
Player one traces any letters that are guessed that are not in the word.
It is the same thing as hangman but instead of drawing a person you learn how to draw a cute bunny at the same time!
The Complete Hangman Game
Let’s Hang Out – Learn to Draw Hangman is a digital download of 10 Hangman games with step by step drawing. Or try the step by step instructions to learn basic drawing skills. The packet includes step by step instructions to draw a doggy, kitty, monkey, cow, lion, butterfly, girl, boy, surfer and princess. Play Hangman and learn how to draw at the same time! Perfect for early finishers, indoor recess, practice turn taking, or anytime kids unplug!
- handwriting practice
- visual motor skills
- motor planning and body awareness
Download your FREE Bunny Game for Kids
Download your FREE bunny hangman game here.
More Bunny Games for Kids
Pin the Tail on the Bunny Game
Easter Games
Do you need more Easter games that require little to no preparation that the kids will love?

Easter Games for Family Fun is an instant access download for 6 fun filled games to celebrate Easter. This packet includes 6 games to print and play:
1. Easter Egg Hunt (includes invitation) – hunt for Easter money and shop at the Easter store
2. Pick Your Easter Numbers – be the first player to get all 10 numbers correctly
3. Guess How Many Bunnies and Carrots – without counting guess how many bunnies and carrots are in the picture
4. Easter Puzzle Races – compete against a friend to see who can find all the words, complete the maze and find the differences
5. Easter Challenges – get a group together to face off for all different Easter games
6. Don’t Eat It – eat as many candies, raisins or cereal that you can before you eat ‘IT’
Get more information on Easter Games and download another free game.