Free Printable Thank You Cards to Color

Are you in search of free printable thank you cards to color? These two black and white options are perfect! Show your gratitude and thanks to someone by coloring in the whimsical thank you postcard or the full page thank you “poster”. Download them for FREE at the bottom of the post.
The Importance of Sending Thank You Cards
It is so important to teach your children to be grateful for all that they have and receive. When children take the time to write and send thank you notes it is an especially meaningful gesture in today’s overindulgent society.
Do your kids get gifts and never send thank you cards? We try and stay on top of it but it can be difficult. Birthdays run into other holidays and before you know it you are behind. Stay on top of it all, by printing out these free printable thank you cards to color. Keep them on hand in a folder with crayons close by.
I love the postcard option. Print in on card stock, color, fold and write your note. Everyone LOVES getting a postcard.
How about a wall of thanks at your school? Each child can color the full page thank you poster and hang it up. It is perfect for giving thanks anytime of year. It would look great with some pictures of local people who are in the military to support our troops.
Download your FREE printable thank you cards to color here
Sign up to receive the weekly email newsletter and announcements from Growing Play. You will be redirected to download your FREE printable thank you cards to color. Don’t forget to print extra copies so you are all ready to go the next time the kids (or you) receive a gift.
Take Giving Thanks to the Next Level

The Family Gratitude Challenge gets you pointed in the right direction when it comes to learning how to raise a grateful child. It is a dynamic book. Your family will gather together to read a reflection on each topic and then complete the gratitude challenge that follows. All 25 challenges do not require any preparation or special materials except printing the gratitude exercises for each person to complete. It is SUPER EASY to get started. Go in order with the gratitude exercises for 25 days, try one challenge per week or per month and take a moment to be grateful for your family and friends.

Looking for more coloring pages like this FREE printable thank you cards to color?
The Inspirational Coloring Book from Growing Play digital download includes 25 simple coloring pages with inspirational messages. All the pages are in black and white.

The Inspirational Coloring Book includes the following sayings to color:
Let Your Light Shine
Listen to Your Heart
Never Stop Trying
Be Kind to Yourself
Love This Life
Choose Happy
Love Always Wins
Live Healthy
Do What You Love
Go Play Outside
Shine Like the Stars
Live Laugh Love
Do Your Best
I Love You
Think Positive
Believe in Yourself
Keep Calm
Explore the World
Be Strong
Be Brave
Live Creatively
You Are So Important
Enjoy the Little Things
Best Friends
I Can and I Will
Get your Inspirational Coloring Book here.
Artwork for the Thank You coloring page by blackberry-jelly under a Shutterstock license.