Detective Puzzle for Kids – Free Printable

Do your kids or students love to play secret spy agent or detective? Children seem to love sneaking around spying on people or completing secret missions. Whether it be to save the World, stop a criminal or solve a mystery, pretend to be a secret agent is tons of fun! This detective puzzle for kids is a FREE printable (see below) to provide a challenge for your secret agents.
Download and print the detective puzzle for kids. The child can read the directions or you can explain that there were some eyewitnesses who reported to the police that 6 people stole a highly valuable diamond necklace. The job of your special detective is to locate and number the suspects based on the eyewitnesses descriptions to the police.
Children will have to use problem-solving skills, visual scanning, and visual discrimination skills to find all 6 suspects.
Here are a few ideas for how to extend this activity:
- Use it as part of a clue hunt game. In order to get the next clue, they have to solve this puzzle first.
- Encourage the children to make their own detective puzzle on paper or using toys/objects from around the house. The child can create clues to indicate who or what was involved in mystery or criminal activity.
- Use it for a fun coloring page. The children can color the suspects with bright, fun colors!
If your children or students love to play detective or secret agent, then you will want to check out the Secret Agent Pretend Play Packet.
Secret Agent Pretend Play
The Secret Agent digital download packet includes secret agent oaths, club, handshakes, secret codes, secret missions, handwriting analysis, lie detecting and more! Kids ages 5+ will love this packet to take playing pretend a step further. FIND OUT MORE.
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