
Color by Number Robot

Color By Number RobotColor By Number Robot

This color by number robot activity is a perfect quiet activity for children when it is time to unplug or get creative.  You can download it for free at the end of the post by signing up for the Growing Play newsletter.

This activity requires children to practice various skills:  focus, attention to detail, visual tracking and visual motor skills.  All you have to do is print the activity and grab 6 crayons, fine tip markers, colored pens or colored pencils.  You can print the robot activity in color or black and white.

Look at the code at the bottom of the page to determine what color to use in each box.  The end result is a pixel type picture of a robot.  The solution to the color by number robot activity is on page 2.  Some children may want to see the final product before starting the project.

If you want to make the activity more difficult you can cut off the bottom of the page.  The child can create their own code assigning a color to each number.

If you want to make the activity even MORE difficult, provide the child with a piece of graph paper and the solution.  Can they copy the picture of the robot onto the graph paper?

Looking for more challenges for kids?

Boredom Busters Volume #1

Check out Boredom Busters.  This is a HUGE collection of 20+ activities to keep the kids busy.  It includes mazes, activity challenges, puzzles, board game, quizzes, silly stories and more!  Almost all of the activities can be done with just one person!  This is not your usual puzzle book.  It is perfect for rainy days, road trips, camping, hotel downtime and anytime a child needs to unplug.  Need a last minute party favor?  This is perfect.  Pay once, print for everyone coming to the party – frugal and fun!  FIND OUT MORE.

Sign up to subscribe to our newsletter to download your FREE Color By Number Robot activity.

Color By Number Robot from Growing Play