Pin the Tail on the Bunny Game – Free Printable

I had quite a few white circle 1″ stickers around the house so I created this Pin the Tail on the Bunny free printable. All you need to do is print the adorable bunny and start playing. Download your FREE bunny at the bottom of the blog post. Hang the picture on a wall. Blindfold the child (or trust he/she to keep eyes closed). Write all the children’s name on the white sticker dots who will be playing the game. Give the first child a white sticker dot. If you do not have white sticker dots, cut out a 1″ circle and put tape on it. Spin the child around 3 times and point them in the direction of the bunny. The child walks over to the bunny picture and tries to put the white sticker exactly over the bunny’s tail. The person closest is the winner!
Try playing it again this time put the bunny picture on the floor. The child have to crawl across the room, eyes closed, to find the picture and pin the tail on the bunny. This activity is great for parties, Easter games and a boredom buster.
Do you need more Easter games that require little to no preparation that the kids will love?

Easter Games for Family Fun is an instant access download for 6 fun filled games to celebrate Easter. This packet includes 6 games to print and play:
1. Easter Egg Hunt (includes invitation) – hunt for Easter money and shop at the Easter store
2. Pick Your Easter Numbers – be the first player to get all 10 numbers correctly
3. Guess How Many Bunnies and Carrots – without counting guess how many bunnies and carrots are in the picture
4. Easter Puzzle Races – compete against a friend to see who can find all the words, complete the maze and find the differences
5. Easter Challenges – get a group together to face off for all different Easter games
6. Don’t Eat It – eat as many candies, raisins or cereal that you can before you eat ‘IT’
Get more information on Easter Games and download another free game.