July Fourth Party Games

July 4th happens to be one of our favorite holidays. Ever since I was a child, we celebrate the day with a parade, barbeque and fireworks. Some years we even squeeze in a pool party at my brother’s house and then the BBQ at a friend’s house. It is a long but super fun day.
Sometimes when my family gets together I like to create a fun game for us to play. This July 4th Games packet includes 5 different games to print and play:
1. Stars and Stripes Keno – a great game for large groups instead of traditional bingo.
2. How Many Flags? – can you submit the correct guess for how many flags are on the page?
3. Red, White, Blue, Flag – modify this game to play with the young to old.
4. Red, White, Boom – play this game while you learn some July 4th trivia.
5. July 4th One Minute – can you talk about the various July 4th topics for one full minute? It is harder than you think.
Download the Red, White, Blue, Flag game for free.
These games are available as an electronic download so they will be delivered electronically after payment. So no worries if you need last minute group games for July 4th.