5 Ideas for Family Fun Night for Under $5

On the rare occasion that we are all home for the entire night, I get excited. As our children get older, it can be hard to have everyone together all evening. When those nights do happen, we like to make it fun (and since I am a cheapskate – economical too).
Here are some of the things we do when we are all together:
1. Family cooking wars – see who can create the best edible treat with different ingredients that you have in your pantry or fridge. Read more here.
2. Card Games – read my 5 best card games to play with the family. We are a card playing family for sure so this activity gets picked the most.
3. Category Games – Perfect activity for family game nights. Younger children can be on a team to help come up with different words in the categories. Older children or adults can record the answers. These games are fun and challenging for all ages.
4. We love to play Set the Record! – This game is great because children of all different ages may be able to hold the family record. Time for the kids to beat the adults! Find out more here.
5. Memory Games – Download the Memory Challenge packet or try this classic from when I was a child. One person gathers small items from around the house and puts them on the tray. Place the tray in the middle of the table. Everyone studies the objects on the tray for 30 seconds. Cover up the tray. Each player has one minute to write down on paper all of the objects they can remember from the tray. Compare your answers. If you are playing with young children who can not write, have the children close their eyes. Remove one or two items. The children open their eyes. Can they remember what you removed? Read more details here.
Read some of our suggestions for the best apps for a family fun night here.
What is your favorite, cheap family fun game night?
Category Games for Family Fun Night – This 42 page PDF download includes 4 category games to play with the family. You can play with one player or as a large group. Just print a recording sheet for each player. Want to play the game on the road? Print over 200 category cards and go! Use a hole punch to record words or color in the circles on the cards.