Autumn Displays for Kids

I have been behind on blogging since back to school – very busy here at our house. Today we enjoyed an outdoor activity with our pool noodle parts and Autumn materials. We collected mums, leaves and twigs to create Autumn floral displays. You just need to pinch off the bottom of the flowers or leaves so that the child can poke the flower into the cut up pool noodle. Encourage the child to use the thumb and index finger to grasp the stem of the flower to poke it into the Styrofoam of the pool noodle. The youngest child simply placed her flowers in the larger hole. This was a simple, low cost activity with a nice end result to display on your table. If we had time, we would have extended this to pretend floral shop to “sell” the beautiful arrangements.
This activity encourages:
- creativity
- outdoor time
- fine motor skills especially the pincer grasp
- eye hand coordination